2021 Team Gregula Year In Review
Vell, here it is! Our annual Year in Review is ready to be revealed. Take a lurk back as I reminisce about some of the most engaging events and important individuals that made this year unique and special. Many of the annual events ve attend vere rescheduled for later months. So, keep reading for a not totally complete month-by-month recap of select happenings from 2021. January, February and March didn’t have any happenings since most COVID restrictions vere still in place preventing events to be held. May and June vere also omitted on my list due to several established events deciding to take another year off in order to plan on full comebacks in 2022.
This month ve celebrated the Boo-Day of Countess Gregula vith special fiends Cousin Zom B. and Scary Girl by going to eat our favorite fried chicken at the reopening of White Fence Farm! April also marked our official return to covering a public event along vith my first official Count Gregula media appearance of the year at Days Of The Dead: Chicago. This April edition of DOTD vas rescheduled from November 2020. Ghoul times back in the cape!
July vas hot and hip because ve made a sizzling summer trip to EXXXOTICA Chicago! This annual expo for adults vas rescheduled more than once in 2020, but luckily vas placed in the greatest month of 2021 since masks and virus restrictions were lifted albeit a short time. Ve could put a beast faces forvard and show off in all our undead glory! Nick Maro joined us for the first time as my official photographer during this event and made me lurk ghoul vith all the sexy starlets. Fangs Nick!
In early August ve took Team Gregula back on the road to report at the Wisconsin State Fair and Bristol Ren Faire during the same vild veekend in that cheesy state. It vas vonderful to go back to taking small trips out of Chicago for media purposes.
As in the pre-pandemic past, haunted house season began vith some early media visits to a couple creepy attractions. This year ve visited the new location of 13th Floor Chicago and the newly opened The Old Joliet Haunted Prison. At my public Boo-Day celebration vith longtime fiends Cousin Zom B. and Scary Girl ve made an enticing evening excursion to White Fence Farm to eat our favorite chicken of choice. Yummy!
Our favorite month of the year vas full of fiendish frights! Several established haunted attractions vere reopened for ominous operations in 2021. Vhen Grim Marco returned to town ve took him back to photograph all the pumpkin pleasantries at Bengtson’s Pumpkin Farm and sinful scares at Evil Intentions Haunted House. Killdare Haunted City vas another new attraction for 2021 that Team Gregula visited two times for terror treats. Wizard World Chicago returned to Rosemont for the first time ever in October. Celebrity photos taken at WW Chicago included voice actor Rob Paulsen and former Muppet master Steve Whitmire. The macabre month ended on October 31st vith us returning to report at the annual Haunted Halsted Halloween Parade on Halloveen Night! I dressed as Cousin Mr. Hyde Gregula and Countess vas Serena the Purple Witch. Ve braved the alluring atmosphere on the spooky sidelines to take photos and a few videos for my new TikTok!
Team Gregula rambled back over to Rosemont, Illinois to report on the regular November edition Days Of The Dead: Chicago. Ghoulish guests at DOTD: Chicago that ve enjoyed meeting this time included Richard Dreyfuss, Butch Patrick and horror honcho Bill Moseley.
The last month of 2021 vas filled vith festive fear, a holiday haunt, Santas, C2E2, illuminated light displays and glorious gatherings! Near the beginning of December, ve covered the first December edition of C2E2 vearing seasonal gear to spread the holiday cheer. Ve visited sinister Santa at Christmas Fear 2021 | An Interactive Christmas Haunted House at Midnight Terror Haunted House to enjoy festive fear! For some Cryptmas cheer vith fiends and relatives, Countess & I vere invited to a few parties (Dexter’s Friendsmas, Aunt Donna’s Annual Christmas Day Dinner and Dexter’s NYE Bash).
NOTE: This is a critically condensed compilation from the very beast of 2021. Special FANGS to Team Gregula (Countess Gregula, Grim Marco, Cousin Zom B. and Scary Girl) along vith assistant photographers Nick Maro and Kylie O’Connell for the helping claws vith cameras.
Be ghoul to yourself and each other in the new year. Health and happiness in 2022!
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Filed under: Year In Review
Tags: 2021, 2022, New Year, New Year’s Eve, Team Gregula, Year In Review
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