2022 Guiding Word: BOLD
It’s great to be back where I belong! I belong writing, blogging, and creating! That is when my heart and soul are on purpose! Do more of what makes your heart smile. Whatever that is, seek it and find time to spend doing it. Welcome! Grab your favorite beverage and join me as I share some thoughts in this blog.
I am a bit different than most. I reevaluate the year twice. Once around July and again at the traditional new year. A few years ago, I read this article about choosing one word that will guide your upcoming year. In 2015, the guiding word was FOCUS. That year went fairly well. The next year 2016, I chose the word IGNITE. That year was the hottest mess! That year seemed to have ignited my hair on fire and took all year to put it out! I have never been the same! I never chose another word to guide my year. Until now.
So here we are at the beginning of a new year. I have this idea to reluctantly choose a guiding word for this year. This blog post delves into the “word” that will guide my 2022. It is a four-letter word. That word is BOLD. Bold in the dictionary is an adjective that caught my eye. You see synonyms like fearless, daring, brave, heroic, unafraid, and adventurous! Sure there are also not-so-positive synonyms in there too, but if you know me, I don’t lean toward the negative.
I don’t have to tell any of you that since March 2020, the world has been upside-down twisted, and like no other time in our recent history. Some have gotten through this far better off than others. Some decided to buckle down and exercise and bubble up better than when this all started. I see friends and some relatives thinner and glowing! I gained the pounds they lost! Some took part in the Great Resignation! Just did a mic drop and resigned from lifetime careers or unfulfilling jobs. Some just keep pushing through surviving as best they can.
This last birthday hit me a little hard! No special BIG number or anything. I think the meditation practice I started is kicking in and helping me be more conscious instead of zombie-like automatic patterns of my day. An inner rebellion of sorts began brewing. I started doing things that were a bit out of my normal pattern. I started thinking more about what I wanted. What was going to get me that? What did I want to feel? What was going to get me to feel that way? I realized that it was time for a change.
That is where BOLD came in. If I wanted to feel better and live my yes life, I have to be bold! I have to possess the courage to not worry about what others think about my decisions. I have to say NO to people and requests that do not get me any closer to where I want to be! I have to be brave to take a risk and let go of what no longer serves me! I have to let people drift away that no longer match my energy. Emotional vampires are draining and can drag you down with them. This means change! Change can be scary. It makes us push out of our comfort zone. Staying stagnant can be scarier. Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Nothing changes if nothing changes. Read that again. It is time for a change.
So here I am choosing another word to help guide this year.
In 2022, I will …
Boldly LIVE my yes life!
Boldly love!
Boldly share!
Boldly ask!
Boldly speak my mind! (Some may not be ready for this!)
Boldly try!
Boldly fail!
Boldly succeed!!!
Boldly ask for help!
Boldly say NO!!
Boldly explore!
Boldly grow!
Boldly be unafraid of what great things are to come by being bold!
If you see this as an interesting new year activity, do some thinking and choose your own word that could guide your year. Stay well until next time. May you expand in love, abundance, and success every day as you inspire those around you to be bolder.
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In Michele’s Mind
Life is awesome for this blogger, educator, motivator, social media passionista, seeking enlightenment, loving life and raising kids in the urban jungle!
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