Welcome to a new year and to a new beginning. The possibilities are endless. Optimism reigns.
In truth, this is no different than any other new year. It’s always a chance to reassess the past and look forward to what is to come. But, the last few years have been brutal. They’ve been filled with sadness and loss. It wouldn’t be a surprise if we’ve been so hurt by what has occurred that we have to assume there will be more of it.
However, who knows. Maybe this is the year where we finally break through and all is well again. Maybe 2022 is the year of greatness. We can hope. There’s always hope.
And so we look forward to what’s to come in the next three-hundred sixty-five days. I hope it’s filled with peace, love, gratitude, good health and whatever else is in your life dreams.
Welcome to 2022.
Related Post: It’s the end of the year as we know it
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