5 Small Ways to Increase the Visual Appeal of Your Commercial Property
Are you looking for quick, inexpensive ways to make your commercial property look more visually appealing? Start with these tips and you’ll be five steps closer to having the building you’ve always dreamed of!
1. Start With Curb Appeal
First impressions count, so start your makeover by improving your curb appeal. Arrange your decorations in symmetrical patterns to make them more visually appealing. Put trash cans, recycling bins and other unattractive items out of sight (except on garbage/recycling day, of course).
Swap out your old light sources for LED bulbs to illuminate the entire scene more thoroughly. These minor adjustments can turn your property’s exterior from trashy to flashy in one afternoon!
2. Up Your Landscaping Game
Another key aspect of your property’s outward appearance is landscaping. Fresh-cut grass, trimmed bushes and vibrant plants all exemplify your professionalism. You can make most of these changes yourself, but it’s best to hire an expert. Start by flanking your doorway(s) with flower arrangements or decorative plants to greet your visitors. A welcoming entrance goes a long way.
If you have a garden, you can really make it pop with some simple maintenance and a fresh layer of mulch. Pull the weeds, add the mulch and clean the brick/stone borders to bring out all the vibrant colors of your flower beds.
It’s also a good idea to plant different flowers for each season. Take the plant species and its colors into account. Some plants can withstand cold spells and droughts better than others. Colors like pink and yellow look best in the spring, while red flowers shine most in the winter. Frequent visitors will notice these changes and think more highly of your business.
You should also add outdoor furniture for all to enjoy. Benches, picnic tables and a small shaded courtyard will make staying your property more enjoyable for everyone. Employees can take a break from the indoors and visitors can sit outside instead of in the waiting room. Customers and clients will see the effort you put into your outdoor scenery and admire your commitment.
If you want to go above and beyond, consider adding a water fixture as a centerpiece. A small fountain provides visual appeal and creates a mellow ambiance that makes your property more enjoyable.
3. Invest in an Outdoor Lighting System
Proper landscaping also improves your building’s security. A well-tended yard, fresh plants and clean furniture tell unwelcome guests that you pay attention to detail and survey the area often. If you want to improve your property’s look and security, install an outdoor lighting system.
This investment isn’t as lucrative as you might think. A handful of strategically-placed floodlights and motion sensors can cover a large chunk of your property. Identify the high-traffic areas around the building and spots most vulnerable to break-ins and install the lights accordingly.
Well-lit entrances and walkways ensure the safety of your employees and make visitors feel more at ease when approaching your building.
4. Clean Your Floors
If your business has hardwood floors, giving them a fresh polish can take years off your property’s interior. Other surfaces, like tiles or carpeting, should also get consistent cleanings. If you find that periodic cleanings aren’t cost-effective or simply unrealistic due to your business’s schedule and layout, your best option is to invest in new flooring that requires less frequent maintenance.
Polished concrete floors don’t gather dust, are highly durable and look just as dazzling as hardwood floors under proper lighting. Consider this option if you think your floors need a change.
5. Upgrade Your Appliances
Your refrigerator, microwave, oven and other appliances should also be up-to-date and fully functional. This fix will improve your employees’ work experience and customer satisfaction in one fell swoop. Many property owners, both residential and commercial, have invested in smart home technology to improve the performance of their appliances. Smart thermostats, water pressure sensors and other tools will help your building operate more efficiently and cut costs on your energy bills.
Make Your Commercial Property Shine
Renovating your building may seem like a daunting responsibility at first, but when you break it down into smaller tasks, like switching light bulbs and using seasonal flowers, it becomes a joy to complete. Make these small changes over time and watch your commercial property change from a grey, unkempt building to a colorful, organized workspace!
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