A good friend gave me the plaque which I proudly hang by my front door because, for me, I truly believe that a pup can make life so much better. Why?
Because dogs are loyal. Dogs are not judgemental. Dogs could care less about your politics. Dogs merely want to love their families. That’s why I make it a point to support various charities that benefit our four-legged friends.
As to my own dog, Sydney, she’s been a Godsend and I mean that literally. She has saved my life and maybe some of those who live on my block. It was Sydney who discovered that I had left a burner ON, barely ON, but enough to fill my kitchen full of gas. Thank goodness I don’t smoke because even an ignition from a lighter could have exploded the house killing me and maybe a neighbor or two.
While staying at a hotel, during my recent 2021 road trip to Maine and back, it was Sydney who growled and barked in the middle of the night that thwarted the robbery of my auto. The thieves attempted to cut the alarm wire – missed – and cut the harness wire to my headlights. I was forced to limit my driving to daylight hours during the course of the next two days before I could get the matter addressed by my local VOLVO dealer.
But what I enjoy the most about Sydney is she’s always willing to serve as an advocate for the various charities I am involved in. When the Community Adult Day Center, where I serve as a volunteer board member hosted a day of Elvis for the clients, Syd was there for PET THERAPY and allowed herself to be the recipient of, “You Ain’t Nothing But A Hound Dog,” from none other than Mr. E-IMPERSONATOR.
It brought a bit of laughter to all who witnessed it, and that’s always something RICH for the SOUL.
And on Sunday, September 26, Syd will be at BARKAPALOOZA, at Lisle Community Park from 10-2p, manning a KISSING BOOTH from 12N-2p. Syd thought it best that she be groomed and her nails done for the occasion and I found that admirable and arranged Suds & Tails to do their magic making her smell super sweet and giving her a bit of style with a cravat so she could be that “lady in RED.”
If you’re looking for a friend, a protector, and a partner in crime providing it gets you into the mood to GO DO GOOD, then consider supporting your local humane society with a contribution and maybe making your home complete because as my plaque notes:
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