Last weeks shooting death of Retired Chicago Firefighter Dwain Williams at 2 pm in the afternoon seemed to have awoken many folks. The retired Father of 4 stopped to pick up a bag of PopCorn and upon returning to his vehicle he was met by 3 armed gunmen who demanded his vehicle. Mr.Williams drew his weapon and was immediately shot down and killed. He was a registered Concealed Carry Permit holder. He became the City’s 737th murderer victim in 2020 and was one of over 1,270 Carjacking victims so far in Chicago this year. Carjackings have soared by 134% over last year and the most since 2002. Chicago is enduring a gruesome year of violence. Twelve people a day are being shot down in Chicago alone. As of this morning, the shooting toll stands at almost 4,00 folks shot. The Cook County Medical examiner puts the number of Homicides in Cook County over 925 so far this year.
Almost immediately Politicians and so-called Community activists were lined up at the scene of Dwain William’s murder, anxiously awaiting their turn for interviews and face time from the local press. So far $34,000 dollars has been raised for any information on the killers. Thus far the Police have not interviewed anyone, and are pleading with the public for help. What is curious to me is the response by local Politicians and Community activists.
One of the many so-called Community activists Raul Montes took (a hardline approach?) calling for more Cops and even asking President Trump to activate the National Guard in Chicago. Hey Raul! where you been? I imagine he hasn’t heard of the defunding the police movement. Picture the National Guard, (I have lived it first hand in 1968,) roaming Chicago’s streets and not knowing State Laws, local laws, Arrest Search, and Seizure, and with no instruction on the use of deadly force. Add to that, they would not know a Chicago Gang Banger from Sammy Sosa or a local alderman. Not be outdone in the (GET BEFORE THE NEAREST CAMERA RUSH) is none other than State Representative La Shawn Ford, who a few years back tried to push a bill in Springfield that would prevent the Police from questioning suspects, even at the scenes of the crime when it is probable that a crime has been committed and the suspect fits the description given by a victim.
Despite the fact that the United States Supreme Court (TERRY vs OHIO) gave Law enforcement the right to question suspects if they believe he or she has committed a crime or is about to. Rep. La Shawn Ford’s latest proposal is to try and get Governor Pritzker to take Executive action to register Chicago’s pervasive VIOLENCE as a public health Crisis. Steven King could not even make that up. Okay,! Chicago your violence is a public health crisis, “TAKE THAT”. Even Pritzker would have had to do a double-take on that. There were many more proposals but all this in my opinion was in keeping with former Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s famous quote. ” YOU NEVER WANT TO LET A GOOD CRISIS GO TO WASTE.”. Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools because they have to say something.
By being passive and with no lack of fools making speeches, we have allowed the violence problem in Chicago to expand and grow to a point where decent dedicated people along with the politicians have no answers and are willing to put forth nonsensical ideas just for the sake of being heard. The speech makers and the babbling pundits all talk a good game but none so far can play a good game. Make no mistake, Chicago’s Gangs are a powerful force, and power concedes nothing without a demand, it never did and it never will. We all have to be aware of do-gooders breathing their own exhaust, it’s delusional, and it’s all an illusion. The violence will stop in Chicago when the gangs meet a force that is superior and willing to restore decency to communities and a city that desperately needs help.
A little known voice of reason in Chicago who seldom is ever heard is Pastor Anthony Williams of Chicago’s Southside. All of Chicago needs to hear HIS words.”UNTIL WE COME AT THIS AND CAGE THIS MONSTER RIGHT (VIOLENCE) WE’RE GOING TO GET WHAT WE ARE GETTING. NONE OF US ARE SAFE, WE CANNOT CONTINUE TO LIVE LIKE THIS.” I wonder if the Mayor of Chicago knows who he is.? Hello!
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