In glimpsing the Michigan and Ohio protesters on yesterday’s cable news, I failed to notice one head of dry gray hair, one stooped posture, one wrinkly face; in short, not one old fart like me.
What I did see was two naked enactments of unenlightened self-interest in the form of placard-wielding Trumpists not yet eligible for AARP membership, who may as well have been waving signs that read:
“We’re the low-risk demographic who will likely just get sick or turn up asymptomatic; SCREW THE DOOMED OLD GEEZERS”
Maybe they figured they’d get their gloveless, loveless paws on their estate inheritances faster than previously expected.
What I was witnessing was selfishness in the disguise of Love of Liberty, a posturing prevalent in the 20’s just before the stock market crash; resurrected in the 80’s by Reagan’s invoking his YOYO (You’re On Your Own) economic policies; and brought to a ponderously tragic climactic third act by Donald Trump’s self-absorbed moral bankruptcy and galling intellectual impoverishment .
My advice to all protesters: If you notice some old codger mingling in the crowd sans placard, keep your eyes peeled. He might be some old war veteran just pissed-off enough to pop you in the nose. And he’d feel at Liberty to do so.