How long must Chicago tolerate this? Glass is shattered in the Nordstrom store at Wabash and Grand avenues after rioting and looting occurred in the Gold Coast. (Jose M. Osorio / Chicago Tribune)
Had enough yet of State’s Attorney Kim Foxx and her let-’em-loose corruption of the criminal justice system that has signaled that crime has no consequences?
Had enough yet of Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans’ complicity in fashionable lunacy that would empty the jails?
Had enough yet of the defund-the-police craziness? And of the blindness of left-wing ideologues who despite the evidence before their and our eyes claim that criminals are protestors, exercising their constitutional rights?
Had enough yet of woke blockheads who have to “address the root causes” before we allow the police to secure everyone’s safety?
If you’ve had enough of it, will enough Chicagoans and Illinoisans join you to reverse the disastrous far-left agenda that is the cause of the riots and violence that is striking not just Chicago, but some other American cities?
In her press conference this morning, Chicago Mayor Lori lightfoot, despite some earlier pandemic stumbles, spotlighted the stupidity that has lead to the chaos that endangers everyone’s liberty, security and peace of mind.
There is no justification for the looting and violence, she said, taking direct aim at the nihilism rationalizes the mob rule. The need to first “address the root causes,” the requirement that a “holistic approach” is necessary when everyone can’t wait around until nirvana blossoms.
The state’s attorney and courts need to step up to enforce the law, she said, taking a well-deserved shot at Foxx and Evans. This being Chicago where self-interest and ego reign, one has to wonder whether the duo will pay attention.
Moreover, she got down to one of the most important “root causes” of the mayhem: The failure of the communities most affected by the violence to cooperate by turning in the offenders.
Of course, we understand their fear. Going to the police is “ratting.” Retaliation is rampant in their neighborhoods. They don’t trust the police. They want to protect their families. But she’s right. Cooperation is key. “We can’t do it alone,” she said. We cannot let our city be “taken over by criminals and vigilantes.”
The unfounded rumor mill also must stop. The latest looting was sparked, according to top cop David Brown, when false rumors began spreading about a police shooting in Englewood. The 20-year-old shot at the pursuing police who returned fire. He was wounded, but a crowd that gathered later was told that the police had shot a child. Later, a caravan of looters was spotted heading up the Dan Ryan.
By their own admission, the police were overwhelmed, not to mention demoralized and overworked in 12-h0ur shifts. Of course, we’ll have to endure the usual complaints about “why didn’t someone do something?” Meaning, why did the police “let” this happen?
They need help. The Illinois National Guard needs to be present to quell this insurrection as certainly as they are when natural disaster strikes. This is worse than a natural disaster–this is a disease festering in the heart of the community. Gov. J.B. Pritzker is in charge of the National Guard; whether he has the courage to deploy it is highly doubtful. Even if Lightfoot wrongly fails to ask for the assistance.
Meanwhile, federal help also is required. No, not regular Army troops patrolling the streets, but with the kind of expert crime fighting techniques that will put alway the shooters and looters. And let us hear no more of the inevitable howls that President Donald Trump is responsible for inciting the violence.
So, the question remains: Have conditions plummeted so low that at last the community will rise up and finally cast off the destructive far-left handcuffs?
Related: Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx is dropping felony cases involving charges of murder and other serious offenses at a higher rate than her predecessor