When I gave birth to my now seven-year-old daughter, I never dreamed she would be a business owner. She launched while in Kindergarten during the height of the pandemic. My friend shared a posting about a unique ten-day business boot camp run by Raising a Mogul. This opportunity changed our lives.
By day five, she came up with an idea for a philanthropic endeavor to give dolls to girls in need. It was also because of the world as we knew it was falling apart. This community, the Raising a Mogul Community, helped us endure, thrive, and build, during a challenging time. Even though the horrific racial turmoil that erupted in June of last year, we had each other.
I am thrilled to announce that their yearly Raising a Mogul Conference will be taking place next week. It is the ideal conference for families that are looking to start a brand and a family business. Each month one of the families who’ve completed this program appears on local and national television. Their participation enhances their ability to build successful companies.
There is no other kid’s entrepreneur conference like this in the world. You will come away with tools and strategies to help you build and scale your family business.
Click here to register for the conference!
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