Part 1 of our two-part Jesse Sullivan, GOP GOV Primary candidate interview airs in Chicago this morning (Sunday) at 8:32 am on Ch 19 (CAN TV). Interview topics listed below.
You can also watch Part 1 of the interview with Gov candidate Sullivan, 24/7, by clicking here.
Part 1 of the interview with Sullivan also airs this week in:
-Aurora: Monday, Wed & Saturday, 6 pm on Cable Ch 10 (ACTV-10)
-25 Chicago metro North & Northwest suburbs: Tuesday, 8:30 pm on Cable
Ch. 19 in Buffalo Grove, Elk Grove Village, Hoffman Estates, parts of Inverness, Lincolnwood, Morton Grove, Niles, Northfield, Palatine, Rolling Meadows and Wilmette and onCh. 35 in Arlington Heights, Bartlett, Glenview, Golf, Des Plaines, Hanover Park, Mt. Prospect, Northbrook, Park Ridge, Prospect Heights, Schaumburg, Skokie, Streamwood and Wheeling
-Highland Park, Monday and Wed, 8:30 pm on Cable Ch 19
Part 1 Interview topics for the show featuring Gov Candidate Sullivan include:
Who GOP Gov Candidate Jesse Sullivan is at his core.Fixing the Illinois $420 billion pension shortfall.Addressing what most view as excessive IL public sector salaries & pensions.IL’s way above average K-12 education spending- relative to its neighbors. Significant public school performance failures, especially as to serving students in families with low income parents. Alternative ways to educate IL’s children, such as in charter schools, private schools & voucher schools.Illinois’ decade, or longer, significant individual and business out-migration.
GOP Gov Candidate Jesse Sullivan also discusses his approach to achieving reforms of State Government in a heavily, Democrat dominated state, where the Democratic Party holds most of the State’s political power and generally opposes most if not all fiscal, educational and healthcare reforms backed by the GOP.
Part 2 of the GOP Gov Candidate Jesse Sullivan interview airs this Monday in Chicago at 8:30 pm and midnight, Cable Ch 21 (CANTV)
You can also watch Part 2 of Berkowitz’s interview with Gov candidate Sullivan, 24/7, by clicking here.
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