The Barbershop: Dennis Byrne, Proprietor
Brilliant, Barak. Insult the parents whose votes you need most.
Great political strategy, Mr. Ex-President. Drop in on Northern Virginia and New Jersey to inspire votes for the two states’ Democratic gubernatorial candidates, and tell GOP, independent and even Democratic voters that they’re phonies.
Northern Virginia in particular is a hotbed of parental anger where they are confronting school boards that are, in effect, telling parents that shey have no voice in their children’s education. The parents are precisely the swing voters that Democrats are losing because they’re telling parents to figuratively go to hell.
Or like Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe intoned: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.” It’s in the running for the biggest gaff in the close election against Republic Glenn Youngkin. So, along comes Obama to double the insult:
“We don’t have time to waste on phony culture wars or, fake outrage that the right-wing media uses to juice up your ratings…
Culture wars, Mr. Ex-President? You and your kind started them. Teaching school children critical race theory. Imposing useless and possibly dangerous masking and vaccination mandates on kids. Completely shutting down classroom instruction to modify your wealthy teacher union mega-donors. Opening up girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms to boys. (Going so far as pretending as one northern Virginia school board did that no girl got sexually assaulted.), trying to silence parents, outrageously launching an FBI probe of “domestic terrorist parents.”
Your kind started the culture wars years and years ago by, among a lot of other things, degrading the importance of fathers in raising competent and loving children, approving of abortion up to the moment of birth, luring children into violent games. And more.
Your kind established these changes and labeled anyone who disagreed with the direction you are leading us as troglodytes, racist and Middle America dopes.
But one thing you said correctly in your speech that you got right:
There is a mood out there, we see it. There’s a politics of meanness, and division, and conflict, of tribalism, and cynicism.
That mood was created in no small part by you. Yes, former President Donald Trump made his own special contribution to the mood, but liberals/Democrats/progressives/neo-socialists have made a part of their platform division, conflict, tribalism and cynicism. You are masters of it.
But the mood out there is indeed shifting, and the northern Virginia parents are igniting it, and it’s breaking into flames all across the country, including in Illinois. They are fed up with the racist and sexist labeling. The instructions from “experts” who are certified as know-it-alls.
Democrats understand and that’s why they are flooding northern Virginia and New Jersey with arrogant big-names.
Here’s another thing that you inadvertently got right in your offensive speech:
You’ll jump into — you’ll jump in front of a freight train, you will wrestle a bear for your kids. So right now, we’re helping to determine what kind of democracy are they going to inherit? What kind of planet are they going to inherit? What kind of economy are they going to inherit? What are we leaving for them? That’s our choice.
That’s our choice. Not the teachers, the school boards, the administrators’. Not governors, like J.B. Pritzker, and their beyond-reason and anti-science lockdowns
You, Biden, and the rest are feeding a dose of autocracy to Americans, and they don’t like the test. It’s gagging, slimy and poisonous. Your time is coming.
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