The game show Jeopardy debted on March 30, 1964. The original daytime version aired on NBC through January 3, 1974. The game was brought back in syndication in 1984.
There have been only two hosts of Jeopardy. Art Fleming hosted the original daytime version. Alex Trebeck hosted the syndicated show for thirty-seven years, until his death earlier this month.
Trebeck had taped shows that will air through Christmas day. But what will happen afterwards? There’s no doubt that Jeopardy will continue. There’s too much money involved in syndication to shut it down. It was announced on Monday that Jeopardy will have a series of guest hosts beginning in January 2021. Jeopardy legend Ken Jennings will be in the leadoff spot. More guest hosts will be revealed soon.
Jennings has been the name most mentioned as a permanent host. It makes sense. Jeopardy viewers love and respect him. His personality fits the program. He’s serious, but he also has a sly, self-deprecating sense of humor. You can call him Trebeck-light. However, he’s also already working on two other game shows. He’s one of the “Master Minds” on the Game Show network. He’ll also be a part of a new version of “The Chase”, on ABC. Perhaps adding a third is too much? Ken Jennings overkill?
Alex Trebeck is irreplaceable, so why even try? Jennings, George Stephanopoulos and some of the others mentioned as potential replacements would most likely fall short in comparison. Why not go in a totally different direction?
My choice for the new permanent host of Jeopardy is Brooke Burns?
So, as they say on Jeopardy, who is Brooke Burns?
Burns, 42, started her career as a model and actress. She spent three years on “Baywatch” and appeared in the films “Shallow Hal”, “Titanic 2” and “Where Hope Grows.” She also has a long history hosting game shows. It started with NBC’s “Dog Eat Dog” and “Hole in the Wall”, on Fox. Currently, she’s the host of both “Master Minds” and “The Chase”, on Game Show Network. Burns was nominated for a daytime Emmy for Outstanding Game Show Host, in 2016.
Both of her current shows are Jeopardy-esqe question-answer trivia games. That gives her the experience to walk in and handle Jeopardy on day one. If you’ve seen her host either of her game shows, you would see the capable way she reads the sometimes tricky worded questions. Plus, having a female host after almost five decades of men should bring an entire new audience to the program…if only out of curiosity. The newcomers will stay when they see how capable Burns is…and so will the veteran Jeopardy watchers.
Jeopardy has sadly been forced into making a change so why not take the opportunity to make a big one. Brooke Burns as the new Jeopardy host wold be a winning choice for the both the show and the loyal viewing audience.
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Filed under:
Alex Trebeck, Brooke Burns, Jeopardy, Ken Jennings