A retired CPD sergeant, Bilecki has said, “the best results are when the community partners with the police,” and that…
Pate, who has worked in the Cook County Circuit Court for over 20 years, is an operations manager for the…
A healthcare professional, Parker has been chair of Morgan Park High School’s Local School Council for a decade. Her son…
A trustee of the United Church of Rogers Park, Jones works with the Circles and Ciphers Youth Organization and previously…
A retired CPD sergeant, Bilecki has said, “the best results are when the community partners with the police,” and that…
A US Navy veteran, Williams wrote in his campaign announcement that if elected he’ll “fight to improve public safety (including…
Pate, who has worked in the Cook County Circuit Court for over 20 years, is an operations manager for the…
Arreola founded the 50th Ward Action Network and worked with The People’s Lobby during the 2019 municipal elections. She is…
A trustee of the United Church of Rogers Park, Jones works with the Circles and Ciphers Youth Organization and previously…
The director of the nonprofit A Just Harvest and a founding member of the Coalition to End Money Bond, Pagán-Banks…