Still self-isolating, alternating between working from home, posting magazines and records for sale, and looking for treasures from my cellar. I pulled this 2018 beer bomber from my box of Lagunitas Brewing Co. bombers, and realized it was one they sent to me, and I still haven’t written about it.
A Little Sumpin’ Extra! Ale is, of course, an extension in their “Little Sumpin’ Sumpin’,” line, usually an IPA with extra wheat malt to it, and hopped up to the usual Lagunitas standards. The result usually hovers around a Belgian style wheat ale.
So this is about two years old, so I need to give it some leeway. It pours an orangey amber body under a big spongy head. The hop nose has a bit of pineapple to it, although there is a detectable note of oxidation that’s expected of this age.
But this also has a big malt body. Not as much aromatic from wheat as I’ve found with other Sumpin’ Sumpin’s. But the alcohol is there, and pretty warming.
While this demonstrate the need to grab those IPAs and drink them fresh, this has held up well, and makes for a nice discovery during these strange days.
Filed under:
Beer Review
IPA, Lagunitas, Little Sumpin’ Extra
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