I’ll keep this one short and sweet. Stone’s Vertical series from December 12th, 2012 was a well put together beer. Their prescient minds prepped this Belgian Strong Dark Ale for years of smooth drinking to come. Upon opening, some eight years later, it was still well carbed, with a ton of foamy head. We had 5 separate 4 ounce pours, and all of us enjoyed a little bit of smoke off the top, with lots of spices throughout.
I couldn’t believe that after 8 years, this beer was still kicking it. It drank more like a stout than a Belgian Strong Dark Ale. I got to finish the few ounces that were sitting in the bottle for 30 minutes and the warmth brought out a ton more spice and the sweetness of the Belgian style. There was a nice roast imparted as well.
Below, on my Untapped check-in, I break down all the different flavors. I think if you let this bottle sit for a full decade it would still drink well.
Enjoy the pictures and your cellar. This is the season to start breaking out those bottles you’ve been saving. Share them with friends and introduce
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Beer, Uncategorized
Belgian Strong Dark Ale, Cellar Dweller, craft beer, Stone Brewing, Stouts, Vertical 12/12/12/