Pets in need of homes
Cheddar and Orion Drake — Hyde Park Cats

Cheddar and Orion Drake (aka Colby Jack, white and orange) are a pair of 3-year-old BFFs. They were adopt from HPC as kittens and now are back, needing a new home.
They have a Instagram @cheddarandcolbyjack if you want to see their antics and photos from the past 3 years! Cheddar and Orion Drake are a bonded pair that are yin and yang but together make a great duo.
Cheddar is a cat’s cat. He is a hunter, climber, explorer and the first to come out of the shell to make sure surroundings and people are ok. He is the vocal cat of the pair. He will let you know when he wants you to rub him.
Orion (Colby Jack) is your laid back cat and barely makes noise if he does something is serious. He is the lap cat who will once comfortable lay on you and let you hold like a baby. Feeding time is his favorite and it shows as he might need to go on a little diet. He startles easily and is quick to hide, he will take longer to get comfortable.
Both cats have never been around dogs and are strictly inside cats. They can deal with children who are gentle. Quieter homes probably best but they adjust to their surroundings. They both love bags, boxes, and scratch post or boards and the more you have the better. Neither are big on toys but enjoy things that wiggle or lasers. They both kneed or paw humans and comforters or anything soft. They have been sharing a litter box and food bowls (Orion eats a little more) all their life with no issues.
To meet this orange yin/yang pair, write to us at [email protected] !
Hyde Park Cats is a local, all-volunteer group dedicated to helping stray and homeless cats in and around Chicago’s Hyde Park. We received our 501(c)(3) status in 2014 and have had over 1,200 adoptions since our founding in 2008. See all our adoptable kitties on our webpage:
All of our cats are in loving foster homes, which means the cat you adopt will be familiar with the sounds, smells and movements of life in a home and accustomed to living with humans. He or she has been interacting on a daily basis with people who know this particular cat intimately, and the foster mom or dad can tell you all about the cat’s individual personality, habits, preferences. You can’t judge a cat by its cover! And while we can’t predict the future or know everything about a cat, we can help you choose the cat who is right for you. We have an adoption application and an adoption fee, $95 for the adoption of one cat or $190 for a pair. This fee goes towards covering their vet costs. All cats adopted out by us are neutered/spayed, micro-chipped, tested for FIV/FeLV, and treated with Revolution.
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