Comedians Defying Gravity
Chicago comedy online events: Saturday, May 16-Saturday, May 23, 2020

Author and former comedian Mo Willems talked with Jimmy Fallon this week and said, “Science will get us out of this, but art will get us through this.” In that spirit, Chicago comedy has our backs every day for as long as this lasts and beyond. Following are ways Chicago comedians are looking after us and making sure we get in some healthy stress-busting laughs. Do you have a comedy show, podcast, mic, blog I should add? Please let me know at [email protected]. Thank you for dropping by! I hope you and yours are well and/or absolutely as well as possible in these difficult times.
The 2020 Pandemic Interview Show Interviews by Larry Bloom of Funnier By the Lake. Nightly at 7:30 p.m.
Laugh Factory’s live stream. Weekdays at 4:00 p.m. CST
ComedySportz ReCeSz Weekdays at noon. This free show gets kids moving and laughing.
Kelsie Huff’s V-Log Instant good energy
Paul Farahvar’s Singles Only. Listen and relate. Milestone: Paul just recorded the 200th episode!
All Talk With Mike All New episodes and interviews drop Mondays and Wednesdays.
Rule of 3 with Bengt Washburn and Tim Slagle “Two comics, three topics, ten minutes each, no politics.”
Another Day Above Ground with Tim Slagle, Dale Irvin and Carolyn Strauss. For boomers, by boomers, about boomers.
Newfangled Tales. Today! With TJ Remec: “This is a broken music box that only plays madness.”
Feedline News An original take on the news with Chicago comedians.
Fancy Boys Club Comedy writers and podcasters.
Dwayne Kennedy’a new album! Who the Hell is Dwayne Kennedy?
Joe Kilgallon’s new comedy special! I Didn’t Say Anything Bad was recorded at Comedians You Should Know.
The Quarantine Report Tito Jorda-Cid created and stars in this “Best News Show Nobody Asked For” (but you will when you see it-it’s great!).
Annoyance Theatre Quaranteam’s Out of Touch. The behind-the-scenes story is already legendary.
Second City’s The Last Show Left on Earth.
The Mr. Show Zoomtacular Annual Business Call with Bob Odenkirk, David Cross and everyone from Mr. Show. Available through Sunday, May 17.
SATURDAY, MAY 16, 2020
LAST DAY to stream the Chicago Comedy Film Festival!
Sweet Home Chicago Live Stream, 5:00 p.m. Music and comedy.
Scriptless 7:00 p.m. Second City with special guest Randy Havens (Stranger Things). Free, but donations to Second City Alumni Fund are appreciated.
Fun Simulation 2000 9:30 p.m. Fabulous lineup right here! “Join us for a night of comedy with Sammy Obeid (Conan, Netflix, America’s Got Talent), Bill Larkin (Comedy Central’s “Premium Blend”), Sofia Javed (DC Improv), Aaron McDavis (Hot Tub Comedy), and Prateek Srivastava (NBC Breakout Festival). Hosted by Master Simulator Mark Hornback with the help of Kevin McComb.” Going forward, Fun Simulation 2000 will be a weekly online Sunday night open mic.
A Taste of Comedy 7:00 p.m. This is an extraordinary lineup and wouldn’t be possible at any other time, let alone for free. Don’t miss! “A Taste of Comedy,” a LIVE stand-up comedy show featuring 4 minute sets from very funny, professional stand-up comedians from Chicago & LA!!! This sampler show is FREE & can be viewed on Facebook LIVE at so “LIKE” Denise Medina’s page and join in on the fun!” A Denise Medina and Mark Klaber Production.
Improv House Party: Girl’s Night In 7:00 p.m. Second City online. Free, but donations to Second City Alumni Fund are appreciated.
Talkin’ Funny 2020 8:00 p.m. The hit show is back and it’s even endorsed by Rod Blagojevich! Tonight Sasha and The Noob welcome Real Time with Bill Maher‘s Nick Vatterott and musical guest Arlo Leach. Tuesdays.
Second City Works Break, 12:30 p.m. A 30-minute comedy show.
Virtual Vino Veritas, 7:00 p.m. ComedySportz comes to you.
Cole’s Open Mic, 9:30 p.m. Founded by Cameron Esposito and Adam Burke and now hosted by Alex Kumin, this is one of the most famous open mics in comedy. Weekly.
Second City’s Really Awesome Comedy Show, 11:00 a.m. Family-friendly improv. Thursdays. Free, but donations to Second City Alumni Fund are appreciated.
Long Distance Laughs Online Comedy Show 7:00 p.m. This nationally booked comedy showcase is created and produced by Whitney Wasson. The show is $5, but free for comics/artists/anyone who has lost their job. Venmo Whitney-Wasson for the link to the show.
Improv House Party “Helter Shelter”, 7:00 p.m. Second City on Thursdays. Free, but donations to Second City Alumni Fund are appreciated.
ComedySportz on Zoom, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. “We knew you all would need some kind of laughter or something to break up your days and nights, so we got to work feverishly and workshopped a lot of new ways of doing things.”
ComedySportz, 7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Scriptless, 7:00 p.m. Second City with John Rzeznik of Goo Goo Dolls. Free, but donations to Second City Alumni Fund are appreciated.
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Teme Ring
I’ve been a comedy fan since age four when Moe Howard asked me, “What’s your name, lil’ goil?” Fortuitously somehow by way of Washington, D.C., Poughkeepsie and Jerusalem, I ended up in Chicago, the comedy Mecca of the world where comedians are kind enough to give me their time and where I was lucky enough to meet the great Dobie Maxwell who introduced me to the scene. You can reach me at: [email protected]. (Please remember the “w” there in the middle.)
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