Comedians Defying Gravity
Chicago comedy spotlight for Monday, March 9-Sunday, March 15, 2020

Visitors in town: Amy Miller, Gabriel Iglesias, Jeff Ross and Dave Attell, Jimmie JJ Walker, the comedians of Entre Nos (Aida Rodriguez, Erik Rivera, Jerry Garcia). Andrew Santino returns to his hometown.
At Zanies: Dobie Maxwell (Chicago), Mike Vecchione (Chicago), Butch Bradley (Chicago, Rosemont), Tuesday Ten Showcase (Rosemont).
At The Improv: Adam Ferrara, Dr. Bill Miller.
At Riddles: Baldhead Phillips’ 50th Birthday Show.
Following is this week’s Spotlight. Please confirm all details before leaving home!
Just Us Gals at The Hideout, 7:00 p.m. Hosted by Clare Austen-Smith and Naomi Spungen. With Caleb Hearon, Meg Indurti, Adrienne Stout, Elsie Howe.
[embedded content]Cigarette Sandwich at The Hideout, 9:00 p.m. The Chicago Tribune called them “the best sketch comedians working in Chicago.”
Jackpot Comedy at Laugh Factory, 8:00 p.m. Featuring Correy Boyd-Bell, Amy Miller, Kristen Toomey, Jonah Jurkens and more TBA.
[embedded content]Chicago Underground Comedy at Beat Kitchen, 9:00 p.m. Deanna Ortiz hosts Sarah Perry, Jon Torres, Caleb Heron, Chrissi Rose, Jackie Cooper and LA sketch group BUTT.
TJ & Dave at iO, 8:00 p.m. An opportunity to see the legendary duo. Tonight and tomorrow night.
Wednesday Night Doubleheader at Uncommon Ground, 7:30 p.m. A brand new series by Dan Marganski. Tonight: Tom Ryan and Rodescu Hopkins, featuring Gena Gephart and Chris Higgins.
March 11 Psycho Puppet Dwarf at North Bar
TJ & Dave at iO, 8:00 p.m. An opportunity to see the legendary duo.
Excited State at The Revival, 8:00 p.m. Improv with University of Chicago scientists. Tonight: Dr. Monica Peek. Interview with Revival founder John Stoops here.
Amy Miller at North Bar, 8:00 p.m. This award-winning comedian was a favorite on Last Comic Standing and many other stages.
[embedded content]FRIDAY, MARCH 13
Funny HaHa at The Hideout, 6:30 p.m. Dance Dance Party Party den mother Jennon Bell Hoffmann, “80 Minutes Around the World” immigration series producer Nestor Gomez, Frunchroom host Scott Smith, Edu-tainer and whiskey lover Carmenita Peoples, Chicago Magazine columnist Adrienne Gunn, Windy City Rollers founder Elizabeth Gomez, filmmaker Steve Delahoyde. Hosted by Claire Zulkey. Proceeds benefit Sit Stay Read.
The Kates at the Book Cellar, 7:00 p.m. Chicago’s all-women stand-up. Always memorable and outstanding. Created and produced by Kelsie Huff (Windy City Live, The Jam). Tonight Denise Medina hosts Kyna Lenhof, Sonal Aggarwal, Angelica Julia Davila, Liz Stockwell, Stephanie Lee Bourgeois, Colleen Brennan, Shannon Ennis. Interview with Denise Medina here.
Andrew Santino at Thalia Hall, 7:30 p.m. The Red Rocket Tour. Andrew Santino hosts the Whiskey Ginget podcast and is known for his film and television roles including Sin City Saints and I’m Dying Up Here. He is originally from Chicago.
Gabriel Iglesias at The Chicago Theatre, 8:00 p.m. The Beyond the Fluffy World Tour.
[embedded content]Jeff Ross and Dave Attell at Genesee Theatre, 7:30 p.m. Tonight the Genesee Theatre is roast central.
Jimmie JJ Walker at CD & ME Special Events & Banquets, Frankfort, 8:00 p.m. The TV star and author.
Southern Playalistic Comedy at The Lincoln Lodge, 10:00 p.m. Starring Chicago comedians transplanted from around the country, especially from the South.
Entre Nos at Park West, 7:30 p.m. “Based on the successfully proven HBO programming of “Entre Nos,” the live comedy tour is a natural progression in this groundbreaking experience where top LatinX comedians have a platform to appeal to mainstream audiences,” says Victor Elizalde, “Entre Nos” Co-Producer. The tour will also feature one local Latinx comedian from each market to help continue the search of up and coming talent.”
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Teme Ring
I’ve been a comedy fan since age four when Moe Howard asked me, “What’s your name, lil’ goil?” Fortuitously somehow by way of Washington, D.C., Poughkeepsie and Jerusalem, I ended up in Chicago, the comedy Mecca of the world where comedians are kind enough to give me their time and where I was lucky enough to meet the great Dobie Maxwell who introduced me to the scene. You can reach me at: [email protected]. (Please remember the “w” there in the middle.)
I am often very reasonably asked, “How DO you pronounce that?” The spelling is Teme, but it’s pronounced Temmy. -
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