Photo by Joe Robbins/Getty Images
Major League Baseball has been suspended until at least mid-April. Follow this handy-dandy survival guide to get Chicago Cubs fans through the pandemic and difficult times.
It’s a tough time for all of humanity right now.
It seems as if the world is shutting down for the time being, hunkering itself indoors as governments and people scramble to protect themselves from the coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
The sports world is right in the thick of the shutdown, as leagues and sports at all levels responsibly cancel and postpone sporting events until there is more clarity around the situation.
Opening Day was so close for the Chicago Cubs, but the team and fans will have to wait until at least the middle of April for the return of the national pastime. Professional teams in Chicago have agreed that they won’t host any games in front of fans until at least May 1.
On Thursday, Major League Baseball announced that all of spring training was cancelled effectively immediately, while the start of the regular season would be pushed back by at least two weeks.

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It’s tough enough having a global pandemic over our heads every day. It’s even tougher when sports fans are forced to face it without the comfort and constant presence of the games they love.
Isn’t it odd how the absence of sports can remind us that people are more important than the game, but also show us how sports have a comforting presence that few things can replicate?
Either way, we will get through this. People will, the world will, sports will. We’ve survived World Wars, depressions, political upheaval and everything else that has happened over the course of humanity.
Until then, we hope that this 2020 COVID-19 Cubs fan’s survival guide will be beneficial in the coming weeks without the Cubs.