Each month, Chicago Now holds a contest for the best posts published throughout Chicago Now.
From the more than 500 posts published during the month of May 2021, here are the 20 judged to be the best.
Becoming Supermommy: Somehow the Same Old New Things
Bonnie’s EYE on…!: Wally Triplett, A Man of Many Firsts
Cheating Death: How do you not get crazy when half the country is bat—t crazy and pushing for a return to the antebellum South?
Chicago Board of Tirade: How about a Cinco de Mayo this year with no damn guacamole?
Chicago Weather Watch: Days of Grass
Cut Out Kid: Training for a Half Marathon With iFit’s Tommy Rivers Puzey
Getting More from Les: Abt Expands — Will My Wallet Contract?
Getting Real: Chicago And Illinois Politicians Pretend They Can Create Affordable Housing
Hot Dog Diaries: Vincent Price, Hot Dog Lover
I’ve Got the Hippy Shakes: How do you know Lollapalooza is not for you?
I’ve Got the Hippy Shakes: The irony of having skin cancer during skin cancer awareness month
I’ve Got the Hippy Shakes: Ryne Sandberg has turned into a middle-aged Jeff Spicoli
Kraft Brews Chicago: Chicagoland Lost Some Breweries in 2020, but Geneva Gained a Good One
Looking for the Good: What intrigues you?
Margaret Serious: ‘Teller of Tales’ and the Imaginary Writers’ Room on Conan Doyle’s birthday
Medium Rare: Remember when dad would just go to China?
Mom, I Think I’m Poignant!: Lori Lightfoot, take a page out of your predecessor Jane Bryne’s political playbook and move to where the bullets are flying
One Cause At A Time: Caregiving, COVID, and Defining the “New Normal”
Opinionated Woman: I’m in a purging kind of mood
The Quark In The Road: Vincent Price’s fondness for this cuisine might surprise you
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