Writing My Mind
Coronavirus has changed my mind about homeschool

I am sitting at my computer. My 12 year old is on headphones doing online learning. My 9 year old is in the living room doing 30 minutes of reading time. It was a rocky start this morning when the math app she was trying to use kept saying her answer was wrong without an option to skip to the next question.
I had no idea how to help her. Perimeters? What the who?
Today was supposed to be one of the most exciting days of my life. It was supposed to be opening night of School Girls; or The African Mean Girls Play at the Goodman Theatre. The rehearsal process and 7 performances we gave were the best professional experience of my life. It ended abruptly on Thursday 3 days before opening. Once all Broadway shows were mandated to close by Governor Cuomo other Governors across the country followed suit.
Now I am thrust into structuring my kids days and providing feeble help with assignments because my school district and everyone else’s as far as I know has shut down and resorted to quickly patched together online learning.
When my oldest was a baby and I was addicted to her smell and couldn’t imagine ever leaving her side I use to say I wanted to homeschool. It always gave my husband a good laugh because I am not in any way the personality type to effectively homeschool. I don’t like structure or repetition. I need alone time. I hated school and my career as an actress is way too unpredictable to devote full days of learning to my wonderful child.
Still a girl can pretend right? I use to say, “If I had a completely different personality I would totally homeschool.” I also joked about in my web series mom in real life.
[embedded content]It’s 10:21 and a bulk of the morning has been about links that don’t work, creating new passwords, inexplicable math problems and tears. My own. Just kidding. No tears yet but lots of internal swearing and eye rolling. Also the standard reevaluation of my entire existence.
Thank God I have writing as an outlet. I plan to do quite a bit because it has always been my link to sanity. A link that actually works.
How are you coping with impromptu homeschooling or working from home? Share thoughts, your at home schedules and ideas in the comments below.
Filed under:
coronavirus, district closing, Governor Cuomo, homeschooling, shut downs, theatre
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Meet The Blogger
Tania Richard is an actress, writer, teacher, wife, and mother of four but not necessarily in that order. She is the owner and lead trainer of Improv Delivery-Improvisation Training for Professionals. www.improvdelivery.com
Her book “My So-Called Unexpected Life: 10 Things I Did to Meet and Marry My Man, Be A Stepmom, Have Babies, and Embrace The Life I Never Knew I Wanted is available at Kindle Direct Publishing and Smashwords. She likes Doritos.
For archived posts please go to http://trichard3.blogspot.com/
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