So Biden occasionally drops an f-bomb
And shocks your daughter, your wife, and your mom.
Well, he has company among his peers
Whose language sometimes burned the ears.
When Jackson died, they say his parrot
Swore so much folks couldn’t bear it.
Lincoln’s stories were laced with vulgarity
Whose only effect was to heighten hilarity.
Harry Truman had a itch
For using the expletive ‘son of a b_tch.’
Kennedy swore and Ike did too.
The latter only when out of view.
Reagan elided profanity in his diary:
He once wrote ‘H__L ‘ when he got ire-y.
Both Bushes employed words of four letters.
The same kind of words that came out of their betters.
Lyndon Johnson spewed them with volcanic thrust.
Let Biden alone. His predecessors cussed!
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