Is Joe Biden drooling yet?
The presumed Democratic presidential candidate’s performance in the last few days has moved from humorous, to head-scratching to outright scary.
He doesn’t remember or is lying about his involvement with the “unmasking” of Gen. Michael Flynn. He urges Democrats who think he sexually assaulted Tara Reade not to vote for him. His memory, his ability to express himself and the clarity of his policy positions are bending with the left-blowing wind; they’re describing a candidate who is unfit for any public office, let alone president.
If this keeps up, Democrats, you’re handing the election to Donald Trump.
That doesn’t trouble me as much as does the presence of a pliable, incompetent and possibly senile man in the White House, even as an usher.
A replacement can be done. Biden doesn’t have enough delegates to guarantee the nomination. Go left or or more moderate. Give voters a real choice in November.
My historical novel: Madness: The War of 1812
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