Once upon a time, some fifty years ago, two Canadian singers, Neil and Joni, came down from up north, moved to California, and sang and sold a lot of records. Some of their songs were about protesting the “man”, who, at that time was incarnated as Richard Nixon. Neil Young and Joni Mitchell were at the forefront of counter-culture singer-protesters. While slamming Nixon they made millions and became icons of the period. They were all about free speech and “doing your own thing.” As it turns out, they either deluded themselves or are liars.
About that time, a Canadian baby was born, Justin. Justin, whose father was, Pierre Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, from 1968 to 1984. It is safe to say that little Justin would never have been anything but a Tim Horton’s clerk if not for his daddy, grew up believing the sprew from Neil and Joni. And from his daddy, of course, an ardent Liberal Party apparatchik.
Sometime around the time Justin celebrated his 49th birthday, in 2020, and Joni and Neil achieved golden oldie status, Covid happened. No matter what your thoughts on Covid it has certainly delineated the true freedom seekers from the bogus counter-culture of 50 years ago. Fifty years ago, the long-hair counter-culture protesters railed against the “man” and burnt things, beat people, bombed institutions, and, frankly, rarely bathed. They turned society upside down and caused ordinary people a ton of grief.
Until the hardhats hit back, taking on the smelly hippies and yippies and other dregs.
Fifty years on, it is the Canadian truckers who are in the vanguard of resistance, fighting the tyrannical Canadian government, whose actions during the Covid pandemic more resemble the Communist Chinese that the actions of those elected by a free people. The truckers have formed a convoy and are now in Ottawa, just asking why in the hell they should have to have an experimental shot — or two or three and eventually four and more– in their arms to deliver a load of cabbage to the grocery.
There is talk of a convoy to Washington DC by American truckers. One can only hope that is true. US truckers are being forced to have the jab as well to deliver cabbage.
These are the civilian tanks of freedom. Driven by men and women who have to actually do things to survive and thrive, unlike the keyboard class who can hide in their homes and have Door Dash be their modern-day servants while filling in PDF forms.
Meanwhile, the pathetic Neil Young and Joni Mitchell, counter-culture frauds, want Joe Rogan removed from Spotify for daring to interview Dr. John Malone, one of the inventors of the mRNA vaccine process, who, though vaxxed, has serious reservations about vaccinating everybody in a pandemic. The song remains the same for Neil and Joni: “you can sing what you want, so long as I agree.”
And little Justin, the current Liberal Party Prime Minister of Canada, well, he believes that the 50,000 “fringe” truckers and freedom-seeking Canadian citizens, should just shut up and take the jab. Instead of facing his fellow Canadians, Justin and his family have skedaddled Ottawa and are in a “safe place” Safe space? Most likely, they are hiding in Joe Biden’s Deleware basement.
Like the hard-hats in New York fifty years ago, the truckers were poked and jabbed and pushed just a little too much, and in turn, programmed the collective GPS signals to freedom.
Filed under: news and opinion
Tags: Canadian Freedom Truckers, Hardhat riot, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young