A few days ago I received an email from the Republican National Committee. No big deal. I usually get something from them every day. I almost immediately hit delete, but this one caught my eye. They’re forming a new club and would like me to be one of its charter members. Get this:
We would like to officially invite you to join the 45 Club and stand with us in defending President Trump’s legacy from the RADICAL LEFT
WOW! That sounds like quite the club. I imagine the initial members will be outstanding American citizens such as Rudy G., Herschell Walker and Mike the pillow dude. Again, WOW!! I mean, who wouldn’t want the opportunity to be associated with such historical figures? And that’s even before mentioning the namesake of the 45 Club.
This thing reminds me of being back in junior high. Remember when the cool kids were in clubs and us wannabe kids were desperately hoping for an invitation to join them. If you were lucky enough to get one, you found out it wasn’t the great thing you thought it would be. The 45 Club is just like that except going in we already know it’s not going to be great at all. Plus, you don’t even get the kind of cool club jacket.
After thinking it over for about thirty seconds I believe I’m going to have to turn down this generous offer. It was a tough decision but I think I made the right one. To paraphrase Groucho Marx: I don’t want to belong to a club that has the former guy, Rudy and the pillow dude as a member.
Related Post: What will I write about when Donald Trump is gone?
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