Does Break Dancing belong in the Olympics?

Does Break Dancing belong in the Olympics?

The Winter Olympics are over. The next stop is in Paris for the Summer Games in 2024,

Each Olympics brings new events. In recent years we’ve seen Golf, Tennis and Softball become part of the Summer Games. The Winter Games are highlighted by numerous Snowboard competitions.

So what’s new for 2024? Would you believe Break Dancing? No, I didn’t make that up. You’re reading it correctly. Break Dancing is coming to Paris.

My first reaction to hearing this was a smirk, a shake of my head followed by saying to myself, “Are you f’ing kidding me?” But, I probably said the same thing about Curling, and I just spent the last two weeks watching a form of extreme shuffleboard on ice. Hmmm…why isn’t shuffleboard an Olympic Sport? It has to be better than Break Dancing.

I guess I have two years to get used to this Break Dancing as a sport thing. I’m already counting down the days.

Related PostWinter Olympics 2018: Two weeks of watching games you didn’t care about

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humor, News, Satire, Sports

Break Dancing, Olympics


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