Meet Donald Trump Jr. A man born into wealth and privilege. You’ve heard the saying, “he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple?” It’s the perfect description of him.
It was just a week ago that his daddy, the disgraced, twice-impeached, former president felt the need to comment upon the death of a true American patriot, Colin Powell. Here’s what he had to say:
“Wonderful to see Colin Powell, who made big mistakes on Iraq and famously, so-called weapons of mass destruction, be treated in death so beautifully by the Fake News Media. Hope that happens to me someday. He was a classic RINO, if even that, always being the first to attack other Republicans. He made plenty of mistakes, but anyway, may he rest in peace!”
As usual, he can’t help himself. He always tries to bring attention to himself….good or bad…and it’s more often bad. And now this week, his son, who has a ‘father doesn’t love me so I’ll try harder for his approval’ complex tried to be exactly like his dad.
Junior felt the need to comment about the tragic shooting on the set of “Rust”, the Alec Baldwin film.” He made up t-shirts that said this:
Gun’s don’t kill people. Alec Baldwin kills people.
Not only is it tacky and disrespectful to the family of the woman who died in the accidental shooting, the Trumps are fundraising of the tragedy. Yep, you can buy one of the shirts for $27.99. I guess it’s no surprise. When it comes to shady ways to make a buck, nobody does it better than a Trump.
I understand there is no love lost between the Trump family and Baldwin. Years of SNL impressions must have hit close to home. But, you’d think a man who is an avid hunter and kills helpless animals for sport would have some compassion after a gun accident. Naaaaa…..afterall, he is a Trump.
I’m sure daddy is almost proud. I say almost because no matter what Don Jr. does, he’ll never measure up Ivanka in the eyes of his father. Too bad because in this case, it really is like father, like son.
Related Post: Donald Trump and the rock bottom
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Filed under:
Alec Baldwin, Donald Trump, Donald Trump Jr.