I’ve Got The Hippy Shakes
Donald Trump needs to be impeached again

“Having failed to make even a plausible case of widespread fraud or conspiracy before any court of law, the President has now resorted to overt pressure on state and local officials to subvert the will of the people and overturn the election. It is difficult to imagine a worse, more undemocratic action by a sitting American President.”~Mitt Romney
“As states wrap up the election and certify the results, it is incumbent upon all of us to ensure that we respect the integrity of the election process and uphold Americans’ faith in our electoral system. Each state has worked to ensure a free and fair elections process. President Trump has had the opportunity to litigate his claims, and the courts have found them without merit. A pressure campaign on state legislators to influence the electoral outcome is not only unprecedented but inconsistent with our democratic process. It is time to begin the full and formal transition process.”~Lisa Murkowski
The presidential election was three weeks ago tomorrow. More than two weeks ago, almost all major media outlets had seen enough to proclaim Joe Biden the winner of the election and President-elect of the United States. Although most Republican’s, including the members of Congress, won’t admit it publicly, they know Biden won the election and will be the forty-sixth president. The only one living in a fantasy is our current lame-duck president, Donald Trump.
Since being declared the loser, he’s gone to great lengths to try to remain in the presidency for a second term. He’s asked for a recount in a few battleground states. Yes, that’s been futile, but that’s fine. It’s legal and well within his rights. He filed suit in more than thirty courts. That’s also been futile. Twenty-four have been tossed out with more to come. But again, it’s legal and well within his rights. However, a desperate Trump has taken it well beyond what is legal!
His leading toady in the Senate, Lindsey Graham, called the Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, to allegedly pressure him to throw out ballots that were not for Trump. Graham also made those same calls to Arizona, Nevada and other states. You know he didn’t do this on his own. You know he doesn’t do anything without the approval of Trump. Luckily for our democracy, Raffensberger and the others, who were all Republicans and Trump supporters/voters, showed they valued our election system more than anyone one individual. They refused to do anything except certify their state’s election.
But Trump took this one step further.
He started making his own calls. He called two of Michigan’s Republican electors and put pressure on them to not certify election results coming out of Detroit. Then he flew out to Washington a couple of Michigan’s state representatives to use the power of the presidency to pressure them to overturn the results and elect their own slate of electors to give Michigan’s electoral votes to Trump. With Michigan due to officially certify their results this afternoon, we’ll know in a few hours if his tactics have worked. We’ll see if he was able to subvert the will of the people in Michigan. If so, who is next? What states will follow?
So while court cases and recounts are desperate, at least they’re legal. Pressuring the representatives and electors crosses way past the line of legality. There needs to be consequences for these acts. If not, what’s to stop them from happening again?
The obvious answer is to charge him with a crime, but that would take far too long…maybe even years.
So, why not impeach him?
Yes, I know he’s been impeached once before, but there’s no law that says it can’t be done a second time? Yes, I know, he was found innocent of those charges by the Senate. Yes, I know, the same thing would most likely occur again. Hell, the case might not even get to the Senate because it’s more than likely Trump will already be out of office at that time. But, that’s not the point. The second impeachment would be a part of history. It would become a major part of the Trump legacy. When he hears the words, Two-time impeached Former President Donald J. Trump, imagine his disgrace and his anger over something that will live on forever. And there’s absolutely nothing he could do about it!
Our next president, Joe Biden says he doesn’t want to waste his time investigating Trump’s misdeeds. By impeaching Trump again, that takes it completely out of Biden’s hands. It’ll be over and done with by the time he takes office in late January. He can focus on his administration. The country can move forward while putting the last four disastrous years in our rear view mirrors. It’s a win/win for everyone, except Donald Trump!
So c’mon Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and the others. Remember how great the first impeachment felt? Here’s your chance to make it feel twice as good!
Related Post: Which Trump administration flunky are you happiest to see leave?
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Filed under:
Brad Raffensperger, Donald Trump, Election 2020, Impeachment, Joe Biden
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Howard Moore
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