I’ve Got The Hippy Shakes
Donald Trump not wearing a mask shows his disrespect for all of us

It’s a simple procedure. You take one elastic hook and pull it behind an ear. You then take the other elastic hook and pull it behind your other ear. Then you adjust the cloth portion over your mouth and nose. VOILA! You’re done! You’ve put on a mask to help protect yourself and others from the coronavirus. See?! I told you it was simple. Easy peasy! And yet Donald Trump, the President of the United States, the leader of our country and the free world won’t do it.
We’ve been fighting the outbreak of coronavirus in the United States for almost three months. The numbers are daunting. Over 1.6 million confirmed cases with ninety-five thousand dead. We’re told the best way to keep from becoming one of those statistics is to practice social distancing and when out in public WEAR A MASK! Although all fifty states are now at least partially open, we’re still told to practice those two things. Not just in a few states….not in ten or twenty states….all fifty states want you to do those two simple things. Every. Single. ONE!!!! And when states that are run by Trump lackeys tell you to wear a mask, you should take it seriously.
Yesterday, Don took a road trip to the state of Michigan. He decided to visit a Ford Motor plant, in Ypsilanti, where they are making ventilators….yanno those machines that help people breathe. The workers in that plant are making machinery that helps keep people with coronavirus alive. The workers in that plant are risking their lives so others can live. They are some of the American heroes during this pandemic.
Ford asks one thing and only one thing when politicians come to see what’s happening at the plant…WEAR A MASK!
When informed that Don was coming to pay a visit, he was informed of the policy. Being the privileged little putz that he is, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. One little thing and it was too much for him. Did I say privileged?
He says wearing a mask shows weakness. I think what really shows weakness is ignoring a deadly virus for a couple of months and having thousands die because of it. We’ve seen members of his family wearing a mask. Melania, Ivanka and Jared have all be shown wearing masks. Does he consider them weak?
If it’s good enough for them, why not him? If it’s good enough for all Americans, why not for the person who serves us?
His behavior sure wasn’t good enough for the Attorney General of Michigan, Dana Nessel. She told CNN:
“He’s conveying the worst possible message. And I hope that the voters of Michigan will remember this when November comes, that he didn’t care enough about their safety, he didn’t care about their welfare, he didn’t respect them enough just to engage in the very simple task, the painless task, the easy task of wearing a mask when he was provided one. And so I hope that we’ll have a new president soon enough who does respect people more than this president does.”
Not only doesn’t he care about their safety, he’s setting an example to his supporters. They see him without a mask and think if it’s okay for him, it’s okay for us. That’s why you see these public confrontations at places like Costco and Walmart. You can blame all of them on Donald J. Trump. Every single one.
Don did say he wore a mask during the no press cameras tour. A photo even surfaced of him in the navy blue face mask.When asked about why he didn’t wear it in the rest of the plant he said, “I didn’t want to give the press the pleasure of seeing it.”
It’s just another Trump lie. This week alone we’ve heard about Obamagate, hydroxychloroquine, voter fraud, the unmasking of Mike Flynn and now this. Four more to go with the tens of thousands other lies over the last three-plus years. Nothing new!
Attorney General Nisser said it best, “Today’s events were extremely disappointing and yet totally predictable.”
That perfectly describes yesterday and the last three-plus years.
Related Post: I hope Donald Trump isn’t lying about hydroxychloroquine
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Filed under:
Health, News, Wellness
Coronavirus, Dana Nessel, Donald Trump, Ford Motors
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Howard Moore
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I really thought this was going to be the final year of the blog but then Donald Trump came along. It looks like we’re good for four more years..God help us all!
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