Writing My Mind
During Coronavirus saying “I’m sorry” will save us all

My mother use to always say, “Nobody is ever really sorry. They’re just sorry they got caught.” Keep in my mind my mom was a stoic, Haitian fatalist with a heart of gold. She also said, “When you are having a bad hair day and someone compliments you don’t be fooled, they are lying.” She was the best.
I’ve been thinking about the phrase “I’m sorry” and the crucial role it will play in the interactions I’ll be having with my children during this Coronavirus Homeschooling Extravaganza! (That makes it sound exciting and fun, doesn’t it?) By the way a friend who is a teacher posted an interesting perspective on Facebook.
Still though…it’s hard out here for an actress-diversity and inclusion consultant-podcaster-blogger mom. It’s challenging to work from home and suddenly be cast in the role of “education facilitator” for squirmy children who need convincing this isn’t an extra long Spring Break. So don’t judge when part of my day yesterday was spent locked in my room, under the covers, ignoring my children who were knocking to come in while moaning, “Mooooooommmmy.” Don’t. Judge.
I was mad. I felt justified. I was pouting about how abruptly my life had changed. (read here to find out why) Though throughout all of this I have maintained the perspective that as much as this sucks there are a myriad of ways that life turns on a dime that don’t include the luxury of Netflix, a couch, healthy kids, a loving husband and adorable dog.
When I came out of my room or let’s call it “self isolation squared” my younger daughter said, “I’m sorry Mommy. Do you forgive me?”
“Yes,” I replied. “I’m sorry too,” I said in reference to my horribly impatient and curt responses, raising my voice and perhaps leaning into my sarcasm a bit too hard.
We all took a deep cleansing breath.
“I’m sorry” is a restart; a palate cleanser; the proverbial Monday start day for a weight loss plan. “I’m sorry” is a chance to do better and begin again. You have to mean it though.
Love means saying you’re sorry again and again and again. (I’m sorry Ali McGraw)
This morning I threw out any idea of a structured schedule. I let the girls sleep in until they naturally woke up. I gave them 45 minutes of free time to eat breakfast, ease into the day and get dressed. We started school work around 10a. So far nobody has had to say, “I’m sorry,” because nobody is feeling reactive, stressed or overwhelmed. We will again, soon I’m sure. That’s life. And it certainly is life during these uncertain times.
Oh and “I’m sorry,” works great outside the home too.
Here’s are some great ideas to keep families and yourself creatively engaged from home:
20 Virtual Field Trips to Take with Your Kids
Anti Racist Homeschool Resources
Also Disney Plus is offer a 7 day free trial (Disney if you’d like to pay me as an endorse sponsor feel free)
What ideas have you come across? How did your schedule change from yesterday to today? Please share in the comments below.
Filed under:
apologies, coronavirus, Family, homeschool, I’m sorry, kids, moms, online education
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Meet The Blogger
Tania Richard is an actress, writer, teacher, wife, and mother of four but not necessarily in that order. She is the owner and lead trainer of Improv Delivery-Improvisation Training for Professionals. www.improvdelivery.com
Her book “My So-Called Unexpected Life: 10 Things I Did to Meet and Marry My Man, Be A Stepmom, Have Babies, and Embrace The Life I Never Knew I Wanted is available at Kindle Direct Publishing and Smashwords. She likes Doritos.
For archived posts please go to http://trichard3.blogspot.com/
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