It is summer and COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted. Now we can come out of our hibernation and do activities that were off limits. We can take this time to reevaluate our healthy lifestyle plans. Are there things we can change, improve, or implement?
Summer is a great time to consume more fruits and vegetables. Consider visiting your local Farmers Market since most places will be open this year. Fresh fruits and vegetables grown locally are considered healthier. Try fruits and vegetables you do not typically eat. Consider researching for new healthy recipes.
There are more activities you can do outdoors in the summer. You can have activities with family and friends and connect socially. Have a picnic with others or by yourself. Whatever works for you. Take time outdoors to do nothing but relax and enjoy nature. Take a nap by the window or outside. Look at the blue sky and daydream. Sit in the grass and read a book. (Note: I am currently reading What the Heck Should I Eat? Written by Mark Hyman, MD.)
You can exercise by walking, hiking, running, swimming, or bike riding. You can do yoga or stretches outside. You can search the internet for outdoor exercise classes near your location. When you exercise make sure you stay hydrated.
Take care of your skin. Every ethnic group needs to use sunscreen. If you have melanin-rich skin pick a sunscreen that will not leave a white residue. Here is a link to a video that describes picking sunscreen for darker skin tones. The Best Sunscreens for Dark Skin Tones Under $50 | The Real Deal | InStyle – YouTube. I have not tried it; however, I have seen recommendations for Black Girl Sunscreen sold at Ulta.
Summer is an opportunity to get out and enjoy life. There is a theory that we should live in the moment. We typically worry about tomorrow or yesterday and that makes it difficult to enjoy today.
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