Recently, I got warnings on my Being Catholic … Really page that my post was taken down for “adult sexual solicitation.” The photo in question was a cartoon/drawing of a large coffee cup. People were running off a cliff and jumping into it. The title was, “Monday.” My caption was “Anyone want to join me?,” with the winking emoji. The image was originally from Virtuous Abbey on Facebook that I found years ago and one I have used numerous times.
My editor at suggested the winking emoji triggered the adult sexual solicitation.
The morning of July 4th, I noticed on my personal page that I had an “Account Warning.” I clicked on the “Restriction History” to read that “multiple posts from the last year didn’t follow our standards.” Apparently those posts contained “Nudity or Sexual Activity.” The date said June 30, 2021, but it also said the “content is no longer available, as it has been more than 90 days since being removed.” I searched my posts and photos and I have no idea what they’re talking about.
A few of my friends have also experienced this. One of them told me this:
“1984 in full force these days … yours is the 5th similar warning I’ve seen this past week posted by friends!
Over the ten years that I have been on Facebook and managing a page, I have seen some pretty raunchy content. Explicit videos posted in the comments on pages that had nothing to do with the content of that page and vicious name calling for no apparent reason other than a comment was made. Horrific depictions of the Blessed Mother and Jesus were frequently posted. When reported, Facebook seemed to shrug and move on.
Apparently Facebook has gone from allowing everything to being puritanical about content.
Facebook has lost its dirty mind.
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Filed under:
1984, censorship, dirty mind, Facebook