In Toledo, Ohio a generous businessman made a huge impact on the lives of about 75 students graduating from Scott High School, in a neighborhood filled with dreams but lacking the wherewithal to make them come to fruition. That’s why you need a dream-maker like Pete Kadens who decided to take a substantial amount of his self-made fortune and give it back to those in need.
One of the students who accepted Kaden’s offer will go to a university in Ohio and study criminal justice. The young African American man is very much aware of the current social injustice that we all witnessed on Memorial Day when a Minneapolis police officer put his knee on the neck of George Floyd for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. serving as not only Judge and Jury but also Executioner.
That investment by Mr. Kadens will pay off in dividends as those students, who wanted to secure post-secondary education but didn’t have a path to do that due to economic disparity, will I’m sure pay it forward someday.
If we truly want peace and prosperity for this country, we need more individuals that have the spirit of Pete Kadens even if they don’t have the man’s finances. We all can do something for those in need, even if it’s as simple as supplying a transit pass for a student wanting to make a difference.
During a 2020 that has been full of gloom, let’s celebrate those who GO DO GOOD, whether they’re the benefactor who makes life better or the recipient who holds the promise of doing the same in the near future.
If you’d like to see more about this incredible story then check out a story by Steve Hartman who has a knack for finding that which will make you cry with joy.
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