Many Reader boxes including downtown and transit line locations will be restocked on the Wednesday following each issue date.
The latest issue
The latest print issue of the Reader is the issue of September 1, 2022. Distribution began yesterday morning and continues through tonight.
The Chicago Reader is published in print every other week and distributed free to the 1,100 locations on this map (which can also be opened in a separate window or tab). Copies are available free of charge—while supplies last.
Never miss a copy! Paid print subscriptions are available for 12 issues, 26 issues, and for 52 issues from the Reader Store.
Chicago Reader 2022 print issue dates
The Chicago Reader is published in print every other week. Issues are dated Thursday. Distribution usually happens Wednesday morning through Thursday night of the issue date. Upcoming print issue dates through December 2022 are:
Download the full 2022 editorial calendar is here (PDF).
See our information page for advertising opportunities.
2023 print issue dates
The first print issue in 2023 will be published three weeks after the 12/22/2022 issue, the final issue of 2022. The print issue dates through March 2023 are:
Chicago Reader hires social justice reporter
[PRESS RELEASE] Lawyers for Social Justice Reception
Publisher of the Chicago Reader