During this whole stay at home/stay in place/quarantine, I think going outside during the COVID-19 virus is one of the most important things you can do. Fresh air is definitely a good thing!
I try to walk every day despite the weather. When I was working, I walked to and from work, a mile each way. My co-workers thought I was crazy when the temperatures dipped to the single digits or it was so icy I literally slid to work. I learned to dress according to the weather so it never deterred me. It was also a great time to pray.
Lately, when I venture out, I’ve tried to change my route to make it more interesting. What I found in my neighborhood was surprising and fun.
Come walk with me:
Go outside. Take photos. Next year you’ll have great memories to look back on
Stay healthy and blessed!
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Filed under:
COVID-19, outside, quarantine, stay at home, stay in place