The Barbershop: Dennis Byrne, Proprietor
Hey moderates, how do you like your Joe Biden now?

Putty in the hands of the wokemeisters who are reimagining America
Joe Biden was your escape hatch. An aura of moderation surrounded Biden during the campaign. Even though he didn’t really explain exactly how he would govern if elected. From his bunker, he was content to let himself be defined as a moderate.
Even if the accusations were true that he would be the handmaid of the far-left wing of the Democratic Party, for you it was the better of the Hobson choices: His calm demeanor and centrism versus the multiple uglies of Donald Trump.
Too bad. You have been betrayed.
As often the “Great Unifier” mindlessly parrots the words about a new day of bipartisanship, he goes along with governance by one party, passing this law and that law, without a single consult with or vote from Republicans.
The “unifier?” He repeats his “unifying” message with such conviction that I wonder whether he is even aware of the stark contradiction between his words and his administration’s go-it-alone actions. Never before has a president offered up such a contradiction between his words and his actions.
So, now you must live with the radical agenda he is pursuing. His policies can hardly be described as moderate. Among them:
- Spending out the wazoo. A couple trillion dollars here and a couple trillion dollars there.
- More than 50 executive orders, more than 30 on his first day in office. Did he even know what was in them?
- Threw 11,000 people–many of them union members–out of work by thoughtlessly cancelling the Keystone XL pipeline.
- Not a peep about Democratic congress persons willing to pass laws without any Republican input.
- Creates a pack-the-Supreme-Court commission.
There are too many middle-of-the-road betrayals to list here. If as a moderate you thought protecting the border had to be a part of a compromise plan for immigration reform, you’re out of luck.
If you thought that China and India should agree to cap emissions as a condition of rejoining the Paris Climate Accords, forget it.
Do you really think that Biden will use his veto power to stop the extreme restructuring of the Supreme Court and the raw political act of giving statehood to the District of Columbia?
Has the thought crossed your mind that Biden isn’t up to the job and that a shadow cabinet is running the government? If it hasn’t, you haven’t been watching the aging man stumble through his appearances. Does he have a policy of not venturing beyond the Mississippi River or the Appalachians?
As loathsome and unpredictable as Donald Trump is, Biden is turning out to be utterly predictable. A fighter for moderation, compromise, negotiation, centrism and unity he is not. So far, whatever the extreme left has put on his plate, he has declared it to nutritious, tasty and good to the last drop.
If you believe that unity and moderation are necessary to lift America out of its current malaise, you had better start organizing now. Before it’s too late.
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