Donald Trump is all things Russia. When he needed financing for one of his real estate projects, where did he go? Russia! When he needed help to win the 2016 election, who was there for him? Russia! When presented intelligence reports that Putin and Russia were putting out bounties on American servicemen in Afghanistan, did he believe it? No, he believed Putin and Russia. Another intelligence report shows that Russia is again trying to interfere in the 2020 election. When it is denied by Putin, who does Trump believe? Okay…okay…we get it, already!
Yesterday’s news brought a report that Russia has successfully developed a Covid-19 vaccine. Putin is already touting this as the answer to preventing the spread of the virus. His daughter was one of the supposedly successful test cases. It even has a catchy name, Sputnik V. The Philippines and Brazil are interested in making massive purchases of the drug. Everything will be ready to go this fall. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
The problem is most of the world doesn’t believe any of this. Why should they, after all, it’s Putin!
Medical experts think this is far from a done deal. The reports they’ve seen show the vaccine is only in stage one of its trial. That’s two stages from where it needs to be for mass distribution. That doesn’t matter to Putin. What he cares most is the worldwide prestige he’ll receive from being first to market. If the world leaders don’t buy into this, he won’t care; Vladimir Putin has an audience of one….Donald Trump. Can you imagine their conversation?:
Putin: Don, it’s Vlady. You heard we got the vaccine? SputnikV, babe. It’s the best thing we’ve ever done. Better than vodka! And the money….THE MONEY, DON!!
Trump: I heard. Is it for real? Will it save lives?
Putin: Trump, did you hear what I said about money?! I gave it to my daughter?
Trump: Your daughter? Really? It’s safe enough to give it to Ivanka?
Putin: Not her. Give it to one whose name we can never remember! (disconnects)
Trump: Oh yeah, her. Maybe Melania, too. Vlade….Vlade….damn him (disconnects)
Wow… Don likes to say, that’s a perfect phone call!
We’re less than ninety days from the presidential election. If you believe the polls, Trump is trailing Joe Biden nationally by double digits. Biden holds large leads in the swing battleground states. Even some of the states that were solid in Trump’s pocket have become toss-ups. And now that Kamala Harris is on the ticket, look out!
Desperate people do desperate things; and it’s desperation time in Donald Trump’s world. You know he’s not going to sit back and let this happen. Donald Trump is not wired that way. He’ll come out swinging. The world has been expecting an October surprise. I figured it would have something to do with Obamagate. You know what would be better than having his toady, Bill Barr bring charges against the former president and vice-president a few weeks before an election? How about a cure for the disease that has killed more than 160,000 Americans?! How about a vaccine that restores American’s lives back to the way it was before the existence of this virus?!
It makes too much sense in the twisted mind of Donald Trump not to give this a try. It’s only a matter of time before Trump comes to a press conference and lets the world know about this miracle drug. He’ll probably even say he’s had a shot himself.
Sputnik V…It’s even better than hydroxychloroquine.
Related Post: I hope Donald Trump isn’t lying about taking Hydroxychloroquine
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Health, humor, News, Satire, Wellness
Covid-19, Donald Trump, hydroxychloroquine, Vaccine, Vladimir Putin