I’ve Got The Hippy Shakes
How many major personal events are you missing because of the coronavirus pandemic?
The 2020 Summer Olympics…cancelled! The 2020 British Open…cancelled! 2020 Wimbledon….cancelled!
All events scheduled from now through June has been pushed backed. Most say they’re postponed, but don’t be fooled. It’s only a matter of time until they’re cancelled, too.
The entire world is on shut down status!
For the majority of us, these cancellations make little to no difference in our lives. Chances are small that we were going to Tokyo or England. Sure, we would have liked to watch on television, but not having them available is just a minor inconvenience in our lives.
But what if you had something major scheduled in your personal life? How is the postponement or most likely cancellation of an important event affecting you? How are you dealing with the disappointment?
For me, it started with the postponement of this year’s Homeless Monologues. This would have been the fourth year that we put on a play that brings needed money to a local homeless shelter. All the monologues were written, the theater and date was set and we were ready to begin rehearsals. Then came the stay at home order. It certainly isn’t safe to have one thousand or so people seated next to each other. This was an easy postponement!
We’re looking to move the play from May to sometime in August, but I’m not optimistic. Even for a small production, there are too many moving parts to pull it off. It’s more likely we’ll see the return of the Homeless Monologues in 2021…and while it’s disappointing, I’m good with this. I pretty much have to be, right?
That one is minor and easy to handle. But what about a big one?
Last month I received a call from my youngest daughter:
“Dad, we’re having a baby! It’s due in September.”
WOW!! That’s some big time family news. Very important! Very exciting! But because of the coronavirus quarantine, I heard it over the phone. Because of the coronavirus quarantine, I’ve only seen my daughter through a Zoom meeting. Because of the coronavirus quarantine, I can’t hug her and make sure she’s doing okay.
It’s frustrating and painful not to be able to do this….but I understand, sorta!
Look, I understand that all of the things we’re missing are really minor. Compare my issues to the more than thirty thousand who have died and it’s small….extremely small. I’m sure I’ll get over this….we all will. Eventually we’ll get back to normal, even if it’s a somewhat new normal. The good news is when that does occur, we can make more plans for the personal events that mean so much to us…that makes us happy….that makes life better.
September is only five months away.
Related Post: How can a homeless shelter survive the CoronaVirus?
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Meet The Blogger
Howard Moore
My so called friends think it’s time to edit this section. After four years, they may be right, but don’t tell them that. I’ll deny it until they die!
I can’t believe I’ve been writing this blog for four years.
It started as a health/wellness thing and over the years has morphed to include so many things that I don’t know how to describe it anymore.
I really thought this was going to be the final year of the blog but then Donald Trump came along. It looks like we’re good for four more years..God help us all!
Oh yeah…the biographical stuff. I’m not 60 anymore. The rest you can read about in the blog. -
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