“I’m still doing my research” or “I need more time to make my decision.”
Those are two of the major reasons you hear from people who have yet to get the Covid-19 vaccine. They really aren’t reasons, they’re excuses.
We’ve known about the vaccine for more than a year. The research was being fast-tracked by Donald Trump’s administration. The fact that he did this because he felt more than five hundred thousand people dying would cost him the election doesn’t matter. He got it done and it was done faster than any other vaccine known to man. By year’s end of 2020, it was go-time.
If you had any real concerns or even minor questions about the safety or efficacy of the vaccine, you had a few months lead time to get those answered.
We’re now ten months since the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccine. Seventy percent of adult Americans have been vaccinated. What’s the deal with the other thirty percent? For those who are still on the fence, what’s taking you this long to decide? How can it possibly take you almost a calendar year to make this decision?
The answers are fairly easy to find. You can turn on your computer or cell phone and hit Google. I just tried it and found almost two billion results. That’s right….1,800,000,000 results. Plus, if you tab down just a little bit, they’ll answer some of your basic questions before you even click on one of those almost two billion links.
Now if that’s not enough for you, why not ask someone you trust? I’m positive your personal doctor will give you the information you need to get off of the fence. If you still aren’t sure, how about listening to your religious leader? What about political leaders? Even the Governors of the reddest states have been vaccinated. Texas Governor Greg Abbott admitted that his being vaccinated kept him out of the hospital or worse when he came down with Covid a few weeks ago. Or if you’re truly desperate for the info, you could even watch Fox News. While Tucker, Laura and Sean will tell you about personal choice or the vaccine isn’t everything it was promised to be, remember this; they all not only have been vaccinated but they did it early in the process.
So to all of you still taking your time to make the decision, I hope you use one of these options to help you stop your procrastination. Do it for the safety of your family. Do it for the safety of yourself. Just do it!
Related Post: The Covid-19 vaccine kept me out of the hospital
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