I relax on the beach in Jacksonville, Florida’s Hanna Park
They were people who were relaxing in the ocean-front Hanna Park in Jacksonville, Florida. Children romping in the surf. Couples walking. Sunbathers. Readers, like myself, under umbrellas. Following social distancing guidelines.
Smiling, because they were enjoying their freedom, because they were doing what they are forbidden to do elsewhere. Doing exactly what the autocratic Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot refuses to let Chicagoans enjoy. Exactly what science says is safer than cowering at home inside.
From what I read, Chicagoans are fed up, ignoring the mayoral threats and walking on the lakefront. Will Chicago cops be deployed to massively arrest their neighbors? Instead of shortages of hospital beds, will Chicago and Cook County plunge into shortages of jail cells?
As the Good Book pleads, “Tell ol’ Pharaoh, Let my people go!”
[embedded content]My historical novel: Madness: The War of 1812
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Filed under:
coronavirus lockdown, COVID-19, Hannah Park, Jacksonville, Lori Lightfoot
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