I’ve Got The Hippy Shakes
I don’t blame Donald Trump for the coronavirus, but……

100,000 Americans are dead.
Donald Trump on January 22~“We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”
I don’t blame Donald Trump for the coronavirus. I do blame him for not taking it seriously on that date. I do blame him for ignoring the guideline left for his administration on how to combat a pandemic. I do blame him for not listening to medical experts on the subject.
Donald Trump on February 15~“And again, when you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that’s a pretty good job we’ve done.”
I don’t blame Donald Trump for the coronavirus. I do blame him for thinking that it would just go away. I do blame him for not knowing how a pandemic works…how it spreads. I blame him was wasting time before doing anything to stop the pandemic. I blame him for the thousands of lives that could have been saved.
Donald Trump on April 17~“LIBERATE MINNESOTA”, “LIBERATE MICHIGAN”, “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd amendment. It is under siege!”
I don’t blame Donald Trump for the coronavirus. I don’t blame him for wanting to get back to normal and having people get back to work.. Everyone wants that. I do blame him for tweeting out “liberate” one day after his administration set the guidelines on how to open up the country safely. I do blame him for pressuring states, especially southern red states, to reopen weeks before they’re ready. I do blame him for the spikes in illnesses and deaths in those states. I do blame him for the illnesses and deaths in those states yet to come.
Donald Trump on May 15~“I just want to make something clear. It’s very important. Vaccine or no vaccine, we’re back. And we’re starting a process.”
I don’t blame Donald Trump for the coronavirus. I do blame him for people not wearing masks. I do blame him for the large gatherings of people in places like Lake Geneva and the Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri. I blame him for making people think that this is over and we’re back to normal. I blame him for people going out and putting their health and lives at risk. I blame him for those people putting more vulnerable people’s health and lives at risk. I blame him because he said we’re back…and we’re not…not even close.
Donald Trump on May 26~For all of the political hacks out there, if I hadn’t done my job well, & early, we would have lost 1 1/2 to 2 Million People, as opposed to the 100,000 plus that looks like will be the number. That’s 15 to 20 times more than we will lose. I shut down entry from China very early! One person lost to this invisible virus is too much, it should have been stopped at its source, China, but I acted very quickly, and made the right decisions.
I don’t blame Donald Trump for the coronavirus. I do blame him for his lies. I blame him for not taking responsibility for anything. I blame him for his lack of leadership. I blame him for everything he did and didn’t do that has led to all these deaths. I blame him for what is going to happen when the second wave hit and we won’t be ready to handle it. I blame him for not thinking one hundred thousand lives lost is a huge thing. I blame him for not having the empathy to console those who have lost family members or friends. I blame him for the future thousands of needless deaths.
I don’t blame Donald Trump for the coronavirus, but….
100,000 Americans are dead.
Related Post: “Let’s take a road trip to Lake Geneva”
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Health, News, Wellness
Coronavirus, Donald Trump
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Howard Moore
My so called friends think it’s time to edit this section. After four years, they may be right, but don’t tell them that. I’ll deny it until they die!
I can’t believe I’ve been writing this blog for four years.
It started as a health/wellness thing and over the years has morphed to include so many things that I don’t know how to describe it anymore.
I really thought this was going to be the final year of the blog but then Donald Trump came along. It looks like we’re good for four more years..God help us all!
Oh yeah…the biographical stuff. I’m not 60 anymore. The rest you can read about in the blog. -
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