I’m starting to hear discussions on the radio and read them in the paper — “What do you want back when this is over? What are you looking forward to doing again?”
I haven’t decided what I want to do to celebrate the end of the pandemic, but I know what I don’t want to do: I don’t want to start shaking hands.
As a left-hander, I’ve never liked them. In a situation that called for a lot of handshakes, I would spend the whole event thinking “Right hand first! Right hand first!” I have missed being in some groups, but I haven’t missed having to go around backwards like that. I carry my shoulder purse on my right shoulder to keep my dominant left hand free, so in a handshake-heavy event (such as coffee hour after church used to be), I have to switch my purse to the wrong side and leave my right hand free.
Or I had to before. I don’t want to go back to that. And Seriously, do you? I think we’re going to go through a long stretch of “Yes, we can do this again — but should we?”
I’m going to try leaving my purse on my right shoulder, where it belongs, and nodding with a cheery “Hello!” Eventually, you may even be able to see me smile.
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When this is over
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