I’ve Got The Hippy Shakes
I long for just one slow news day

Yesterday morning, I’m watching Andrea Mitchell Reports on MSNBC. The A-block comes to an end (How cool am I to know that the first segment is called the A-block?) and Andrea thanks her guests for being available “On a busy news day.” I look at my tv and say loudly…okay, I’m actually shouting…”When the fuck isn’t it a busy news day?
Okay, I admit Andrea was right. Between the convention and Steve Bannon being arrested it was a busy news day. The problem is every day is a busy news day. I guess it’s acceptable in 2020. We have an election in less than three months. We’re in the midst of a deadly pandemic. And, then there’s Donald Trump! You put the threesome together and damn, that leads to a lot of news…and usually, it’s breaking news.
The problem is it’s more than a little overwhelming. It’s become 24/7/365 and it’s too much. Wayyyyy too much!
If it was only for 2020, I think most of us could deal with it. But, it hasn’t been. It’s going on since November 2016. With most presidencies, the quieter the better. When you don’t hear from them, you know things are fine. Since Donald Trump has taken office, that has changed. His administration has been so dysfunctional, that almost daily, it leads the news. Trump and his people have taken over the A block!
So how do you get a break? How do you keep your sanity?
Maybe you turn off your television, or at least find a station other than MSNBC, CNN or Fox News? But, if you do that you may miss something important and possibly life-changing. That would certainly lead to more yelling f-bombs at your television. It’s a no-win situation.
Sigh! Looks like I’m going to have to suck up this busy news day thing because it’s not going to stop, at least not for the next few months. Maybe we’ll see that change starting at noon on January 20, 2021. That’s the inauguration A-block.
Related Post: Do you scream at Donald Trump when he’s on television?
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Hockey, News, Satire
Andrea Mitchell, Donald Trump
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