In 2018, I wasn’t sure about J.B. Pritzker. I thought he was just another rich dude trying to buy an office. Just another billionaire.
This photo is a selfie I took with him about a week before the 2018 election. I went to a rally in Chicago to hear him speak. At the time I wasn’t sure he was qualified to run the state of Illinois. What had this guy ever done except being born into money? This was his opportunity to change my mind. He didn’t do it.
Yeah, I voted for J.B. Yeah, he was the best of two evils. Yeah, he was much better than Bruce Rauner, but really, that’s not saying anything at all. So I voted for him while holding my nose. I was hoping against hope for the best.
We’re about a year into his administration. I haven’t thought much about J.B. Pritzker in that time. That’s not a bad thing in Illinois. For a state that has many of its governors going to prison, having one that lays low and out of the daily spotlight is a good thing. It’s refreshing. Besides, me and my people are more focused on the daily hijinx of Donald Trump to pay much attention to what is occurring with Pritzker.
But now we’re in the middle of a worldwide crisis. At a time where the federal government has reaffirmed that they are incompetent clowns, our state government has stepped up its game in dealing with the coronovirus pandemic.
J.B. Pritzker has taken decisive action to keep the people of Illinois safe.
When school districts and Chicago’s mayor were waffling on what to do with our schools, J.B. stepped and decided to close every school in the state. When fools decided to gather in bars to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, J.B. called out their recklessness with strong words. When that didn’t make an impact, he doubled down and decided to close bars and restaurants starting on Tuesday. When he saw the hours long wait to get through customs at O’Hare and the other major airports in America, he called out Trump and the feds in a series of Tweets. Trump instructed a staffer to make a late night call to our Governor and yell at him. J.B. sure knew the right way to get to the Donald.
It’s been a weekend of triumph for Governor J.B. Pritzker. He has showed the competency and leadership that I, and so many others, didn’t think he had.
Admitting you are wrong isn’t an easy thing to do. J.B. sure has shown me. Maybe he isn’t just a rich dude. Keep it up and I’ll be happy to give you my vote in 2022, without holding my nose. As of today, I’m a proud resident of Illinois. As of today, I’m proud to have my picture taken with you.
Related Post: Sometimes you have to vote for the lessor of two evils
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Cornonavirus, J.B. Pritzker