Don’t we ALL?
And yet we can be in spirit FOREVER YOUNG even if we’re chronologically OLD. That’s why it is so important that there is a PLACE – a PLACE of PEACE – to leave older adults suffering from cognitive and physical disabilities.
The Community Adult Center (CADC) has been such a PLACE for 35 years.
CADC has been serving not only the Downers Grove community but many western suburbs with an option – your beloved older adult will be cared for while you are at work by people who care and are committed to making every moment a GREAT MOMENT.
Why should LIFE be any LESS because of age? We all feel, we all want our independence as ADULTS and yet with time we might need a helping hand to be there on the double and that’s what the CADC staff strives to bring to your beloved mother, father, uncle, aunt.
The Community Adult Day Center had its inception through DIVINE INTERVENTION. Some eleven churches initially got together and advocated that there be a not-for-profit entity that would make adult daycare available to the working adult children, now caring for their older loved ones who might have lost a step or two.
Another two churches signed on about 18 months later and so CADC was/is the child of several churches of all different denominations. It was an idea that had reached its TIME and in an American society where both the man and the wife need to work to make it, it’s impossible for one of them to stay at home watching that beloved parent, aunt, or uncle. CADC was a radical idea 35 years ago in the sense that the mission of the charity was also to respect the fact that no matter how old we become, in our minds, WE WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG!
Everyone, no matter how old or young can value the touch of love that comes from someone who went to bat for us when we were FOREVER YOUNG as children. There is gold in unforgettable memories of love and the knowledge that at one time we knew those beloved older adults always had our back — they were there to comfort us – so – can you do anything but NOT HOLD ON to a spirit that shines in the eyes of our older beloved if they believe truly that every day or their lives are worth being a day filled with great moments. That’s the magic of what the Community Adult Day Center does and has done for 35 years.
The CADC staff are committed to bringing JOY to those they are entrusted to spend time with. They do this with games, music sing-a-longs, arts & crafts demos, pet therapy that promote participation, and just the fun that comes with SOCIALIZATION. SOCIALIZATION is so critical to the mental health of your bellowed and we now know how important SANITY is for someone older, always questioning themselves internally with the deepest of thoughts that perhaps they should STOP BELIEVING in their mental capabilities with a range of no mountain high enough and no valley low enough to affect their CONFIDENCE.
CADC values LIFE and that’s why we are so important to the health of the western suburbs. LIFE should always be cherished no matter how young or how old it might be. And why is THAT? Because the beat of a heart is no less whether it is in the chest of someone young or old. That’s why CADC is a beacon for older adults with cognitive and physical disabilities. The CADC staff isn’t BLIND. Of course, we know the challenges of each client we serve, and thankfully our staff understands the value of a HEART – because we all hold someone in our hearts. The staff at CADC sees all of that and is committed to BEING THERE for your beloved in a manner that is consistent with how they would treat their own flesh and blood.
Many of the CADC staff are contemporaries of your beloved adult. They just are fortunate to have the gift of amazing health. They could sit back at home ensconced in retirement but that’s not what they chose to do. They give, give, give, and GIVE back to those less fortunate than them but just as valuable in the essence of their being ALIVE.
The Community Adult Day Center has been the beneficiary of some of the original churches that signed on. Some continue to send a significant contribution every year because they understand the mission of what CADC does…helping someone be FOREVER YOUNG no matter what the CLOCK indicates. That also is an indication of the RESPECT the Community Adult Day Center staff and management have for anyone entrusted to our CARE. And care we do. We offer a balanced hot lunch to those we serve each day. We at CADC are there to comfort those we serve so caregivers get the chance to keep and protect their beloved while being able to also live their lives.
The Community Adult Day Center is at 4501 Main Street, Downers Grove – in the lower level of Gloria Dei Church. If we can help you or your loved one in any way, whether it be merely to provide information about caring for an older adult, to possible enrollment at CADC – don’t hesitate to call and speak with the CADC Director: Susan Sinderson at 630-968-1060.
You can also check out the CADC website for more information.
And I hope you loved the CAT photos…the CATS always touch my heart even if the pet love of my life is none other than my SYDNEY. LOL!
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William Natale is an Emmy-award-winning TV producer/director and author of “1968 – A Story As Relevant Today As It Was Then,” (a tale that takes place in Chicago based in part on a true story). Natale served as the director and associate producer for “Water Pressures,” featuring HBO ENTOURAGE star Adrian Grenier, shot on location in India and various cities in the U.S. “Water Pressures,” was broadcast on over 224 PBS stations. Natale was the Chairman of the Broadcast Promotional Marketing Executives (BPME now known as Promax). Natale served as the Marketing & Promotion Director for NBC5 Chicago and the VP/Director of Corporate Communications for WTTW. He also has experience in the education field as the Executive Director for both the downtown and Lombard campuses of the IL Media Schools (vocational colleges that teach broadcast media arts). He also served as the Executive Producer for the Internet Streaming Corporation and – working with talented individuals such as Candace Jordan (aka Candid Candace). Natale is a native Chicagoan and proud father of three adult children, two daughters and a son.
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