Gov. Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo for president
That was the headline on my post from March 24, 2020. I wrote:
If I were a Democrat–which I’m not, but which I used to be before I was expelled for being pro-life and culturally conservative–I would want Andrew Cuomo as my nominee for president of the United States.
His televised briefings during the COVID-19 crisis were a textbook case of how government should operate and what qualities a leader should have. While President Donald Trump was struggling in his press conferences to read off a script enumerating everything his administration was doing, Cuomo, seemingly from off the top of his head, was reeling off the multitude of steps he was taking.
I was wrong, wrong, wrong. Turns out that reeling off from the top of his head were deceptions and lies. Even some fellow Democrats want him out. He maybe faces a federal criminal investigation.
Speaking of Trump trying to read off a teleprompter, his mistake was going off the teleprompter to unleash a torrent of made up facts, deceptions and lies.
Biden, of course, continues to struggle to read off his teleprompter, but his “aides” are smart enough to not allow him to extemporize.
Mea culpa.
My historical novel: Madness: The War of 1812
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Filed under:
Donald Trump, Politics
Andrew Cuomo
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