There’s an old saying that what you think about, you bring about and that is so true. It is exceptionally true when it comes to illnesses. The coronavirus is real and it should definitely be taken seriously. There’s a lot of paranoia surrounding it, a bit too much, but to each its own. Those who should really be concerned are people like me–over 50 years of age and have a threatened immune system. People with asthma and diabetes and the elderly are another community who should concerned as well.
What’s really annoying about this pandemic are those making a profit from it. People who are selfishly buying items they don’t need, jacking up the price of sanitizer, toilet paper and other necessities. These items are being sold on the street or on line; I saw a can of Lysol disinfect spray sell for $60 on eBay. I’m angry because I know that some paranoid person is going to buy it. Shame on the person who sold it.
Hopefully, moving forward, retailers should put a limit on how much cashiers should ring up certain items in order to tell the needy from the greedy. Because I have lupus, I’ve been taking this coronavirus as though it was avoiding the flu. I’ve been taking care of myself as I’ve always been because my son Kameron is famous for bringing in viruses and other ailments in from other classmates, giving them to me. I’ve always kept a massive supply of hand sanitizer/wipes, Kleenex, toilet paper and such like year round so this coronavirus has not startled me not one bit.
Of course, the coronavirus is a different strain and we should definitely take what orders the Governor and the President take seriously, regardless if we like them or not. They are here to protect us as a country. My advice, however, is to do what you’ve been doing to keep yourself clean during the flu season, don’t over indulge in the news (that will run anyone crazy). The news should be used as an informative tool; not a way of life.
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Health and Wellness