Last night, after a scan of the listings, I decided there was nothing on TV worth watching. So I decided instead to conjure a cadre of notable literary figures–living and dead– to ask them the following question:
If the gods of letters charged you with the task of writing Donald Trump’s biography, what would the title be? After a collective sigh and groan, here are the answers they mustered, my favorite one first. After that, take your pick:
W.S. Gilbert (after a short hiatus from Sullivan): Inanity, Insanity, Inhumanity, Vanity, Profanity, Volcanity, Mundanity, and–God Help Us– Hannity. (Oh, And Let Us Not Forget, Indifference to the Fate of the Manatee).
Dostoyoevsky: The Uge Idiot
Hemingway: The Old Man and the Pee
Thomas Mann: Disorder and Early Psoriasis
John Updike: Rabid Run
Wiilliam Shakespeare: A Comity of Errors
Ian Fleming: To Russia with Kinky Love
Robert Sherwood: Idiot’s Delete
William Styron: Sophist’s Choice
Albert Camus: Stranger and Stranger and Stranger
John Le Carre: The Russia Houseboy
Steven Sondheim: Follicles
Charles Dickens: Great Expectations, Crappy Culminations
Jane Austen: False Pride and Racial Prejudice
Thomas Hardy: Far-Right from the Mad Crowd
Herman Melville: He Be Dick
Alan Paton: Lie to the Beloved Country
John Grisham: The Kink of Tarts
Nora Roberts: The Big, Big, Big Liar
Ken Follett: Horny Flight
Philip Roth: The Bad Plot Against America
Ingmar Bergman: Lies and Whimpers
Gustav Flaubert: Grabbing Madame’s Ovaries
Buddy DeSylva: April Golden Showers
Cole Porter: Be an Assclown
The Beatles: I Never Want to Hold Your Tiny Hand
Bob Dylan: Forever Immature
Oscar Hammerstein: The Sound of Mucus
Lorenz Hart: The Lady is a Trump Victim
Lornz Hart: Have You Met Mr. Jones? (Alex, That Is.)
Harold Pinter: The Last Crappy Tape
Nathaniel Hawthorne: The House of Seven Imaginary Floors
Ian McEwan: Atonement? Never!
IanMcEwan: Solar? No Way!
Kurt Vonnebut: Pussies’ Cradle
Graham Greene: The Ministry of Fear Mongering
Raymond Chandler: The Big Sleepwalker
Mickey Spillane: I, the Judge and Jury
Don DiLillo: White, Noisy
Nick Hornby: About a Boy in an Old Man’s Body
Jane Smiley: Golden Shower Age
Joyce Carol Oates: Man, Crazy
Margaret Atwood: The Robber’s Bribe
Annie Proulx: Brietbart Mountain
Anne Perry: A Breach of Promise After Promise after Promise..,
Arthur Miller: Breadth of a Salesman (44” waist?)
Tennessee Williams: The Crass Managerial
Tom Stoppard: Travesties, Travesties, Travesties
Harold Pinter: The Tea Party Animal
Harold Pinter: Crappy Last Tape
David Hare: Knucklehead
David Mamet; Sexual Perversity in Chicago, New York, Hollywood, Miami, Washington D.C. and Elsewhere, Especially Moscow
John Kenneth Galbraith: No Perspectives on Conservation
Elmore Leonard: Pussy Chaser
Carl Hiassen: Skinny Dick
T.S. Eliot: The Waistland: About 50 Inches
Steig Larssen: The Man Who Hates Women
Dostoevsky: Crime and No Punishment
Homer: The Oddity
Arthur Miller: All My idiot Sons
William Styron: Sophist’s Choice
John Grisham: The Kink of Tarts
Nora Roberts: The Big, Big, Big Liar
Ken Follett: Horny Flight
Philip Roth: The Bad Plot Against America
Ingmar Bergman: Lies and Whimpers
Gustav Flaubert: Grabbing Madame’s Ovaries
Buddy DeSylva: April Golden Showers
Cole Porter: Be an Assclown
The Beatles: I Never Want to Hold Your Tiny Hand
Bob Dylan: Forever Immature
Oscar Hammerstein: The Sound of Mucus
Lorenz Hart: The Lady is a Trump Victim
Lornenz Hart: Have You Met Mr. Jones? (Alex, That Is.)
Harold Pinter: The Last Crappy Tape
Nathaniel Hawthorne: The House of Seven Imaginary Floors
Ian McEwan: Atonement? Never!
IanMcEwan: Solar? No Way!
Kurt Vonnebut: Pussies’ Cradle
Graham Greene: The Ministry of Fear Mongering
Raymond Chandler: The Big Sleepwalker
Mickey Spillane: I, the Judge and Jury
Don DiLillo: White, Noisy
Jane Smiley: Golden Shower Age
Joyce Carol Oates: Man, Crazy
Margaret Atwood: The Robber’s Bribe
Annie Proulx: Brietbart Mountain
Anne Perry: A Breach of Promise After Promise after Promise..,
Arthur Miller: Breadth of a Salesman (44” waist?)
Tom Stoppard: Travesties, Travesties, Travesties
Harold Pinter: The Tea Party Animal
Harold Pinter: Crappy Last Tape
David Hare: Knucklehead
John Kenneth Galbraith: No Perspectives on Conservation
Elmore Leonard: Pussy Chaser
Carl Hiassen: Skinny Dick
T.S. Eliot: The Waistland: About 50 Inches
Steig Larssen: The Man Who Hates Women
Anonymous: Donald and the Oaf Keepers
NOTE: If I’ve repeated myself the titles, too bad. There’s a Bulls’ game on TV soon, and, if I indulge in any copy editing, I’ll miss the tip-off. Sorry.
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