It’s the end of the year as we know it
I thought this was going to be it. I thought this was going to be the end. I told more than a few people that I was going to pull the plug on this column at the end of the year. I figured that after close to ten years and more than one thousand of these diatribes, that it was enough. I not only had said enough but more likely, I had said too much.
But, something changed recently. I’m not exactly sure what, why or when, but it started to be fun again. I also found that there was more to write about…a lot more. So, I changed my mind about leaving. Hey, a guy is entitled to change his mind, right? Phew!
Besides, 2022 is going to be busy. Probably not a good busy, but between the investigation into the insurrection, Covid, the mid-term elections and the idiot living in Florida (I know, which one?) there will be plenty to peruse. Plus. I’m sure I’ll find more inane nonsense for me to ramble on about.
With that said, it’s time to call it a year around here for 2021. To everyone who read something I wrote this year, thank you. To everyone who has clicked on something, said what kind of bullshit is this, also thank you. Either way, I appreciate it and am thankful for all of you.
So, on this Christmas Eve, I wish you all a safe and happy holiday. I look forward to seeing you in January. But for now, it’s the end of the year as we know it….and I hope we’re all feeling fine.
Related Post: Ten grievances for 2020 that I’m airing for Festivus
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Howard Moore
My so called friends think it’s time to edit this section. After four years, they may be right, but don’t tell them that. I’ll deny it until they die! I can’t believe I’ve been writing this blog for four years. It started as a health/wellness thing and over the years has morphed to include so many things that I don’t know how to describe it anymore. I really thought this was going to be the final year of the blog but then Donald Trump came along. It looks like we’re good for four more years..God help us all! Oh yeah…the biographical stuff. I’m not 60 anymore. The rest you can read about in the blog.
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