By now we all know the sordid story of Green Bay Packers Quarterback Aaron Rodgers. He lied about getting the Covid vaccination by saying that he was immunized against the virus. His lie changes plenty of things for his teammate’s seasons and possibly their lives.
Rodgers won’t be playing in Sunday’s game against the Kansas City Chiefs. This increases the chances of a loss which may cost the team the home-field advantage in the playoffs. It may even cost the team a spot in the Super Bowl.
Then there’s the probability that he exposed his teammates to Covid. His selfishness put his fellow players at risk. I’m guessing Aaron Rodgers isn’t very popular in the team’s locker room today.
But what about a guy who is very close to Aaron who has nothing to do with football? I wonder how Jake from State Farm feels about this?
Jake and Aaron were BFFs. Jake got him the Rodgers Rate on his insurance and this is how Aaron pays him back? Do you think it may have been a revenge thing because Jake gave that rate to everyone?
And what about the people in Jake’s life? How are they feeling today? What is Parker the pizza delivery girl thinking? How about the butcher who gives Jake all the good parts of meat in exchange for her insurance rate? I’m guessing Jake isn’t getting the two pizzas, atomic brownies and a side of ranch anymore. No special discount on car insurance that comes with a case of Covid is worth it. They probably moved their accounts to Progressive. Flo may be annoying but she’s vaccinated….maybe. It looks like she’ll be getting the pepperoni pockets from Parker. “You the girl, Flo. You the girl.”
And Jake, I hope all is well today. Maybe you should think about hanging with Justin Fields and the Chicago Bears instead of your former bestie. Yeah, Aaron may own the Bears, but your health will only be endangered by their porous offensive line. Justin has survived so far….you probably will, too.
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humor, News, Satire, Sports
Aaron Rodgers, Green Bay Packers, Jake From State Farm, Justin Fields